Carpet-Bagger 1 comment

Talkleft suggests that Alan Keyes apparent decision to challenge Obama in the Illinoise senate race will be good news for Obama but, I suspect, probably not as good of news as running unchallenged.
Ron Paul notes in the comments that Keyes will be following in the footsteps of another recent carpet-bagger that Keyes condemned 4 years ago:

“I deeply resent the destruction of federalism represented by Hillary Clinton’s willingness to go into a state she doesn’t even live in and pretend to represent people there, so I certainly wouldn’t imitate it”
Alan Keyes – Fox News in 20001
Both election challenges show how far removed the Senate, our entire representative government, has been distanced from the people who ostensibly provide its authority.
The republicrats are primarily concerned with having enough control of the legislative and executive branches of state and federal government to be able to transfer the billions of revenue and borrowing to their preferred charities.
The sad thing is that in this respect it really won’t make any difference whether Obama or Keyes wins. Your money, the fruit of your labor, is still going to get siphoned to big pharma, tobacco growers, big bureaucracy, etc., without you having a real choice in the matter.
1This quote is said to be from a Fox News interview by Pat Buchanan in 2000. I have not found a verified original source for it yet but it is showing up far and wide around the blogosphere today.

One thought on “Carpet-Bagger

  • Steve

    “I have not found a verified original source for it yet but it is showing up far and wide around the blogosphere today.”
    In other words, other idiots are saying it so it must be true. How pitiful.

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