Daily Archives: August 24, 2004

Flip, Flop, I’m Taking a Bath

w speaks and then reverses himself.
This story and variants started storming around the blogosphere while I was vacationing and I particularly like the combination of Atrios, Norbizness, Eugene Volokh, Julia, Ted Barlow and Arthur Silber all hammering away on the same issue.
You should heed Arthur’s warning:

Time for some people to wake up and face reality. Bush is absolutely no friend of freedom and liberty — either at home or abroad. And should he have a second term, the Constitution may be unrecognizable by the time he gets done.
Not that the Constitution is a perfect document…as written and interpreted it leads to today’s state of affairs.


The Modulators are back from vacation and wishing we were still gone.
Over the course of 9 days I got online once, did not watch TV, and did not read any newspapers.
I feel refreshed.
I am, though, a bit disappointed that you all did not fix all the ills of the world during this time. Oh well, …..
Posting may continue to be a bit slow as I catch up with work issues and various personal matters that also did not resolve themselves.