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Page Layout and Blurb Structure

Here is some new research on page layout and blurb impact on news pages that might be helpful to some of you:

News websites have been with us for about a decade, and editors and designers still struggle with many unanswered questions: Is homepage layout effective? … What effect do blurbs on the homepage have compared to headlines? … When is multimedia appropriate? … Are ads placed where they will be seen by the audience?
Many blog entries are what the article describes as blurbs and there is some good stuff on catching the readers attention.
Via Dan Gillmor.


This article has an interesting discussion of the relation of childhood television watching to the increase in ADHD cases:

�The study revealed that each hour of television watched per day at ages 1 through 3 increases the risk of attention problems by almost 10 percent at age 7,�…
Plenty of debate in the article.
Of course, putting large numbers of children in prison like settings 7-8 hours per day is bound to cause some of them to get a bit antsy.