Daily Archives: October 19, 2004

Failed Administration

cheney tells us:

“The biggest threat we face now as a nation is the possibility of terrorists ending up in the middle of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us — biological agents or a nuclear weapon or a chemical weapon of some kind to be able to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans,” Cheney said.
This is as clear a statement of failure by the current administration as I have seen. What they have been doing during the last four years has not worked.
Via Prometheus 6.

Brand Protection

I hadn’t previously noticed NameProtect’s robot crawling my site though it looks like they have been in business since 2001. They are probably crawling your site as well:

NameProtect is a Digital Asset Protection company that provides eMarket Intelligence to leading corporations. We proactively provide protection of brand assets, recovery of diverted revenues and detection of online identity theft and fraud in today’s global economy.
Their business model seems to make sense and I suspect that they are not the only player in this niche.

Corporate Speech

British tobacco companies are upset about some regulatory restrictions on advertising:

Tobacco companies have launched a High Court challenge to strict restrictions on advertising at the point of sale.
The regulations, contained in the 2002 Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act, limit the size and location of promotional material in retail outlets.
But the manufacturers say they are an unlawful interference with their commercial freedom of speech under human rights laws.
If these businesses want human rights then they should get what they wish. Let’s start with the elimination of limited liability and all the other government granted special favors that swathe corporations.
Once they are structured as humans then, and only then, does it make sense for them to raise the flag of human rights.
Via Vice Squad.

Impending Draft?

If recruiting doesn’t meet the needs then expect a push for a draft no matter what the candidates say today:

Compounding the difficulty of recruiting, Nunes said, is the fact that seven out of 10 people who walk through the front door of a recruiting office aren’t qualified for the military, for reasons ranging from criminal history to an inappropriate tattoo. The goal is to enlist at least one of the remaining three.
Colleges are the competition
Who knows which tattoos are inappropriate enough to keep you out? Seems this might be useful information to a lot folks in case a draft does come around.
Update: Mark Kleiman posts Yes, Virginia, there could be a draft.