The Jefferson Muzzles 1 comment

Hmmmm, I’m puzzled that I missed this the last couple years. Perhaps I think too much of how much more I’m in touch through the blogosphere…
Anyway, here’s the bad news:

the Jefferson Muzzles are awarded as a means to draw national attention to abridgments of free speech and press and, at the same time, foster an appreciation for those tenets of the First Amendment. Because the importance and value of free expression extend far beyond the First Amendment’s limit on government censorship, acts of private censorship are not spared consideration for the dubious honor of receiving a Muzzle.
Unfortunately, each year the finalists for the Jefferson Muzzles have emerged from an alarmingly large group of candidates. For each recipient, a dozen could have been substituted. Further, an examination of previous Jefferson Muzzle recipients reveals that the disregard of First Amendment principles is not the byproduct of a particular political outlook but rather that threats to free expression come from all over the political spectrum.

Without furthar ado here are the 2005 Muzzle Awards.
Via beSpacific.

One thought on “The Jefferson Muzzles

  • Rexroth's Daughter

    Thanks for posting this and the link. I didn’t know about the Muzzle Awards, and I wish I had when it was in my job description at a major university to uphold and defend the First Amendment. You’d be surprised (or maybe you wouldn’t) how many people object to speech that annoys them or makes them uncomfortable. Check out (the Student Press Law Center), they are inundated with anecdotes about attempts to muzzle the press. Great post.

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