Monthly Archives: October 2005

Increasing the Scotus Workload

Well, for eight of them. If meiers is confirmed roberts will never assign her an opinion to write.
Update: Turns out that, as many expected, this won’t become a problem for the sitting justices.
What does harry reid have to say about thisturn of events

:The radical right wing of the Republican Party killed the Harriet Miers nomination.

No, harry, her utter inadequacy for the position killed her nomination. reid claimed some responsibility (Reg) for bush selecting meiers and by doing so demonstrates no more competence than bush did in making the selection. There is, though, always the possibility that this has played out just the way reid expected, that he took advantage of the empty suit.
[Memo to Staff: Next time you write something about current events the night before verify whether anything has changed before you put the post up in the morning!-ed.]

For Cube Dwellers

You know who wrote this, right?

If you’re reading this on company time, congratulations on beating the system. If you’re reading it on your own time, you really need to find a job where they pay you to do this sort of thing.

Find out below the fold.


They’ve Got the Firepower

Irwin Schiff doesn’t like the federal income tax:

Schiff contends that the federal tax code doesn’t require taxpayers to pay income tax. He disputes the government’s definition of income, and argues that the Internal Revenue Service has no authority to seize property.

He has stood staunchly by his convictions but perhaps will soon acknowledge the facts:

Anti-tax crusader Irwin Schiff and an associate were found guilty Monday of charges including conspiracy, tax evasion and tax fraud.

The authority of the irs, like all extortionists, comes from the barrel of a gun. If you do not play by their rules you get screwed. There is nothing voluntary about it.
Even in the land of the free.

2000 Dead

James Joyner reports that 2000 American troops have now died in Iraq:

Each American casualty represents a personal tragedy for their loved ones and should be soberly weighed by all of us. At the same time, it is low by any historical measure; we had more people killed on D-Day, for goodness sake. Nor is it an indication of the worth of the mission for which these troops died. If the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, then one death is too many. Otherwise, the toll has to be weighed against the benefit to the nation, which remains to be seen.

From this vantage point one death was too many and 2000 is still too many.
Take a look at 2000 dead. May they rest in peace. And, may the 1000s of Iraqis who have died as a result of this war also rest in peace.
Via …You Are A Tree

Who’s the Source Talkin’ About?

Given this DeFrank piece I wonder if DeFrank got the reference wrong here:

As the White House and Republicans brace for possible indictments in the CIA leak probe, defenders have launched a not-so-subtle campaign against the prosecutor handling the case.
“He’s a vile, detestable, moralistic person with no heart and no conscience who believes he’s been tapped by God to do very important things,” one White House ally said, referring to special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald.

Just sayin’; as usually when the mud starts flying they’re lookin’ in the mirror…..
Via Mark Kleiman.