We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
We will add your post to the list if you do one of the following:
- Leave a comment or trackback to this post,
- Use the Carnival Submission Form,
- Email Modulator or
- Our extensive staff finds it during our weekly search of the web
Of course, if our staff goes on strike then we will link only those posts someone tells us about.
Visit each border and come back regularly Friday-Sunday to visit new boarders. And do link to the Friday Ark whether you use trackbacks or not.
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map (24 as of 12/1).
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and the 89th edition will be hosted this week by When Cats Attack. There are more weekly cats at eatstuff’s Weekend Cat Blogging which has many participants who may not be familiar to Ark or Carnival participants.
- Extra, Extra: Laurence has started a The Catbloggers Frappr Map. Go shout out!
Bird folks: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks. Send your links for the 12th edition to Mike. The 11th edition is up and hosted by the The House & other Arctic Musings.
New for the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles. The third edition is up at Urban Dragon Hunters.
The 4th edition is scheduled for December 31 and will be hosted by bootstrap analysis. Mail submissions to nannothemis AT gmail.com
Arkive editions of the Friday Ark.
- Melange: I’m Dreaming of a Mice Christmas and Rhett: For Sophie
- No Deep Thoughts: Trimming the Tree: Desi’s turn
- Allan Thinks: Remember. I can rip your throat wide open.
- Sisu: Tiny, Tiny and Baby and Tiny
- enrevanche: The incredible disappearing Gato
- Beezer Song: Afternoon Sun
- Caturday: Fergus for Feline Friday
- pages turned: Ellie takes a brief break from causing mischief
- Outside In: Sophie Eyes the Ornaments and Christmas Love
- Island Writer: Marcel plus Miss Holly and the kittens
- Heretic Spire, A Damn Lie: Fat Kitty in the sun
- Blog d’Elisson: Inversion: Sometimesa cat looks happier upside down
- Manx Mnews: Feline Friday – The Acrobat: Ping shows off his latest moves
- Poetic Leanings: Friday Cat Blogging: What’s out there?
- Texas Oasis: Friday Cat: TV Content Blocker
- i-pets.com blog: Friday Cat Blog: I see you are busy right now.
- The Countess: Friday Cat Blogging: Beowulf and Domino
- Elms in the Yard: Sub Rosa: Lady dozes under the rosebush
- The Peach Pit: Homework Monitor
- sleeping mommy: Curiousity did what to the cat?
- Prophet or Madman: Friday Pet Blogging – Hacking: Otis Hacks something other than a hairball
- Athenamama: Three’s Not A Crowd
- Lab Kat: Friday Cat Blogging: Coby Suffers His Younger Sister
- Striving for Average: The Christmas Picture: Chocolate Chip
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging: Feel my power, grasshopper!
- Smijer: Without Comment: Babies
- Cathouse Chat: Captive Kitty: Pixel and Smudge
- This Blog is Full of Crap: Holiday Collar, Take Two: Nardo
- Gigolokitty!: A Christmas Carol! (pt 2)
- Lunar Obverse: Friday Cat Blogging: Smacky Smacky finds the warmest spots in the house
- Seven Silly Southern Sisters: Cats Sleep Anywhere
- Leslie’s Omnibus: Traveling Companions
- 7610: Blur Naps
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday: Sergei kills the weasel
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging: Paz, Frankie, Sammy and Phil
- Running Scared: Friday Cat Blogging: Tom Comes along Nicely
- bloggg: Friday Feakin Closeup Blogging
- A Shareware Life: Friday Catblogging: Play with Me, Play with ME!
- Watermark: Friday Cat Coterie Shopping
- The Conservative Cat: Ferdinad T. Cat says Obviously, a Conspiracy at Work
- Niobium: Old Photos
- bootstrap analysis: Mom’s day off
- Kiss my grits: Friday Cat Blogging
- Not A Fish: For News About Billy the Cat
- Number 2 Pencil: Cat-In-The-Box
- nycbabylon: Friday Catblog: Tabby Stowaway is Reunited With Her Person!
- Picking Up The Pieces: Post #300: Magnum and Adira
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Weekend Pet Pic: Ziggy Stardust eyeballsXander the Cat
- Sisu: Babe keeps an eye on a bird…
- Rhetoric and Democracy: Friday Cat Blogging: Scooter
- Mind of Mog: Style Tips: Our resident couch decorator
- Scout Prime: Friday Cat Blogging of eddy’s Reach & Wink
- Ego: Friday Ark Map: Morris
- Wildrun: Reason number 42 not to let your cat out
- Josh’s Weblog: Feline Friday: Church and Snowball
- feministe: Twoo Luv: Doug and Pablo Spoon
- green girl art: …a painting & a peep #2…Trixie
- The Oubliette: Friday Cat Blogging: Callie
- Farmgirl Fare: Weekend Cat Blogging #26: New Cat Sports A New Look For Winter; boarded 12/3
- eatstuff: WCB 26 – Get well Macroom
- No Deep Thoughts: Grumpy Santa’s Christmas Countdown: Rafe says… boarded 12/3
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday cat blogging – just barely.. Lady Fortuna boarded 12/3
- Middle Fork: You Don’t Want To Mess With Gabriel boarded 12/3
- Lawyers, Guns and Money: Friday Cat Blogging: Bud boarded 12/3
- Meditation Matters: Friday cat blogging: Simon boarded 12/03
- Mahanandi: Weekend Cat Blogging: Kittaya boarded 12/03
- Mad Times: Rorschach Cat: What do you See? boarded 12/03
- Fiat Lux: Friday Cat Blogging: Evening Edition – Gimi and Bear; boarded 12/03
- Dorte’s Smadderkasse: Radiatorhygge boarded 12/03
- A Few of My Favourite Things!: WCB 26: Sun-drunk boarded 12/03
- Overtaken by Events: I wonder why…we have to redecorate… boarded 12/03
- Because It’s Better: Friday Cat Blogging: Princess Mia Bella boarded 12/03
- A Guy In New York: Saturday catblogging: Luca boarded 12/03
- Ballard Avenue: Friday Cat: Cross-eyed boarded 12/03
- When Cats Attack: Carnival of the Cats #89
IMAO: Friday Catblogging: Nardo the Greedy
- Urban Dragon Hunters: Circus of the Spineless #3
- Life in a shoe: Praying mantis limerick
- milkriverblog: Not Really A Cat Friday: Gray Cracker, Hamadryas februa
- Jil in Pattaya: Jewel Beetle boarded 12/03
- Firefly Forest Blog: female Elegant Bush Katydid (Insara elegans) boarded 12/03
- Island Writer: Marcel plus Miss Holly and the kittens
- Tbogg: Thursday Night Basset Blogging: Satchmo and Beckham
- A Stitch In Haste: Friday Diamond Blogging
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog – Random Photos: Sasha and Taffy
- Athenamama: Three’s Not A Crowd and Special Baby
- Basic Juice: Canine Velcro: Reggie
- Below the Beltway: Three Dogs, One House, You Do The Math
- Doug Petch.Com: Blog Your Dog: An early start for the boys
- The Alternate Brain: Friday Cattle Blogging: Princess Shayna
- Running Scared: Friday Dog Blogging: Kenya Under the Knife
- Mensa Barbie: 105 Pounds and Growing
- Pluto’s Page: Ohthe caninity!
- The Common Room: Christmas Festivities
- The People’s Republic of Seabrook: The Next Oprah: When Puppies Attack
- Poop Happens: Two Dog Night
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Weekend Pet Pic: Ziggy Stardust eyeballs Xander the Cat
- One Hot Stove: Weekend Dog Blogging: Dale, The Fitness Freak
- Neville Farm: Furry Friday: Ranger, a furry friend from the past; boarded 12/3
- Hoarded Ordinaries: Settling In: Reggie boarded 12/3
- Dog Blog: Dogs 243-247 boarded 12/03
- Bird Treatment and Learning Center: More Snowy Owl boarded 1/03
- Living the Scientific Life: Toco toucan, (Ramphastos toco) and much more in Birds in the News #38
- Sisu: Chicken
- 10,000 Birds: Rusty Blackbird
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature: Society Finch and a Lady Gouldian
- Thomasburg Walks: The Great Gray Owl Ruined My Life
- Firefly Forest Blog: Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) boarded 12/03
- Facing South: Friday Bird
Blogging boarded 12/03
- Sisu: Big Cat
- Farmgirl Fare: Llama Llama and Baa Baa Babsie
- Cauldron Ridge Farm: Choupy & Kid
- Sarangeti: Hill Country Deer
- On Location With Rick Lee: Yellow Fish
- Chaos Digest: Winter
- Cel’s Home Page: Un peu de tendresse
- First Draft: Friday Ferret Blogging: Little Joe boarded 12/03
- Paleoblog: Archaeopteryx Has Dinosaur Feet
- Pharyngula: New Archaeopteryx specimen
- The Hairy Museum of Natural History: New Archaeopteryx Fossil
- Balloon Juice: Friday Beer Blogging: Delirium Noel
- Life after NEXCOM: Christmas and Cats… boarded 12/03
Note for Haloscan Users: Haloscan started (the end of July) rejecting trackbacks if they were submitted “too rapidly” by the same host. I don’t know what the timer is but it is long enough so that it was very difficult to ping everyone that is using Haloscan for trackbacks. I’m sure that they are doing this to try to hold back the tide of trackback spam but it makes the service pretty useless for carnival type posts. Perhaps you can contact them and urge some different solution. Update: Typepad appears to be doing the same thing. Everytime I update the Ark it appears the timers are reset and the long list of MT autogenerated pings fail. Yecchhhh….
Feline Friday: Kill the weasel
For reasons that I can’t remember, Paul took to calling Sergei’s favorite toy the weasel. It’s a gray, fur-covered rodent with beady red eyes, a 3-inch tail, and a rattle in its belly. That’s how it starts out, anyway. After a …
Ping shows off all his latest moves!
Ping shows off all his latest moves.
Friday Cat Blogging: Tom Coming Along Nicely
Without comment: Now, prance right over to the modulator, and see the rest….
Friday DiamondBlogging
Diamond was very happy to come out of the kennel after Thanksgiving last weekend.
She made a beeline for her favorite chair.
Hello and Happy Friday to you!
This week we have two “Other Invertebrates” entries from Farmgirl Fare (http://farmgirlfare.com):
Llama Llama
Baa Baa Babsie
Friday Catblogging
Kung Fu Sox fends off Ringo’s attack
Rusty Blackbird – http://www.10000birds.com/november2005.htm#11/28/05
Sasha and Taffy were out and about this week, but not as much as usual.
Captive Kitty
It’s been so long since I’ve shared the wonder and adorability that are my beautiful Purr Mistresses! So, here’s a lovely pic of Pixel and Smudge It’s actually quite amusing: Pixel, in purrson, looks like the typical comfy cozy house
Homework Monitor
I promise, mom. I got this. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll make sure he gets it all done….
Homework Monitor
I promise, mom. I got this. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll make sure he gets it all done….
Friday Creature
Here’s another bird from that waiting room aviary from last week. I think this one is a Society Finch (and you can see a Lady Gouldian in the background). It’s not technically as good a photo as last week’s bird,…
Friday Catblogging
Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”). Today, it’s…
for some reason my pingers not working . . .
I’ve got a Gray Cracker, Hamadryas februa at Not-Really-a-Cat-Friday here:
Otis tries his hand at hacking something other than a hairball.
Special Baby
Meet Un-named Baby, a six-week-old female Chihuahua rescued by my mother-in-law. Evidently my mother-in-law’s neighbors are animal haters, and were poised to toss this poor critter into the trash. As luck would have it, the neighbors have yet to comple…
Three’s Not A Crowd
I haven’t been feeling well this week, and that’s why I haven’t posted much. However, I feel some responsibility when it comes to Friday Pet Blogging, and so I whipped up a quick entry for that occasion. I may take…
Trackback didn’t seem to go through.
Friday Pet Blogging | Hacking
When Otis jumped into my lap the other night, I thought, “Aw … how cute. He wants to help me with my work.” There he was, pretending to know what he was doing as he swatted at the keyboard and tried to reach the mouse…
Here is another “other vertebrate” one:
My goat and one of her new kids!
The Gigolo Kitty retells A Christmas Carol and gives the Spirit of Christmas a nervous breakdown
Friday Ark #63
The Friday Ark #63 is up and running at The Modulator today for all your finny, furry, or feathery goodness….
Smacky finds the warmest spots in the house.
Reggie –
“The Canine Velcro”
My cat sleeps anywhere
Blur naps
Here is Blur napping on the couch that’s got battle scars. Also, be sure to check out the Carnival of the Cats, Friday Ark, Catbloggers Frappr and Friday Ark Frappr….
Blur naps
Here is Blur napping on the couch that’s got battle scars. Also, be sure to check out the Carnival of the Cats, Friday Ark, Catbloggers Frappr and Friday Ark Frappr….
Feline Friday
Time for Friday catblogging. During Ryan’s birthday, Church and Snowball were relegated to the guest apartment. Church doesn’t seem to be too bothered by having a new space to explore, even if it was for only one day. Snowball still…
I guess my trackback ping didn’t properly notify you… Sergei kills the weasel.
105 Pounds and Growing
My friend’s dog sure has grown!!!
Friday Feakin Closeup Bloggging!
She posed a lot for me yesterday 🙂 See, she doesn’t ALWAYS look evil! As usual, linked with the Friday Ark……
Feakin’ close up and personal!
Friday CatBlogging: Play with Me, Play with Me!
Inquisitor says, play the tortie tail on the red jack. For more Friday cat pictures, see Friday Ark #63.
Oh the caninity!
Ok now I am pissed. Look at what my neighbor did to me on Sunday: That is only one side of my leg. The other side looks the same, and I have another big gash on my chest. Believe me,…
Friday Cat Coterie Shopping
Last week, we suggested some possible gifts for your lovely cats. Really, though, your cat wants what cousin Sue’s PeeWee has — a beloved sparring partner:DC (Damn CAT!) and PeeWee ~ ~ click for larger image This week, we shall consider gifts for thos…
“Birds, it seems, can have theories of mind, too”
Babe strikes an eternal feline pose that would strike fear in the heart of any small member of the Avian-American or Rodent-American communities. Lord of all he surveys atop the iMac G5 (gray and white margin at bottom of photo
“Birds, it seems, can have theories of mind, too”
Babe assumes an eternal feline pose that would strike fear in the heart of any small member of the Avian-American or Rodent-American communities. Lord of all he surveys atop the iMac G5 (gray and white margin at bottom of photo
Blog Carnival index: Friday Ark #63
FRIDAY ARK is now up at Modulator!
“Birds, it seems, can have theories of mind, too”
Babe assumes an eternal feline pose that would strike fear in the heart of any small member of the Avian-American or Rodent-American communities. Lord of all he surveys with head looming over the iMac G5 (gray and white margin at
Style Tips
Our resident couch decorator, she decorates with hairballs and cat fur, that’s her style. I use slipcovers, a necessity with cats.
It’s Friday so head over to the Friday Ark where kitties reign supreme.
This photos is added to Friday Ark map. Go to the Modulator for more animal pictures.
I gave you a trackback but I didn’t make the list? Didn’t like Church and Snowball anymore?
You Don’t Want To Mess With Gabriel, his image server moved yet again, and its presence is propagating even now. This is getting to be too much like a Burma Shave sign:
Our server
It lives at your place
Let’s move it now
Through hyperspace
Well microwave links
They flutter and sput
Let’s move it again
To the server farm hut
Are more certain now
And download speeds
you know are like Wow!
One hopes
(with apologies to those that shave)
You Don’t Want To Mess With Gabriel, take two
We have a cat entry this week at Farmgirl Fare. New Cat Sports His New Look For Winter:
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Grumpy Santa Christmas Countdown
Rafe takes on Grumpy Santa
Hi, found you from FarmGir.
Here’s my furry friday link … a furry Sheltie!
The links to Bud and Gabriel are engaged in some form of unholy union. Gabriel is busy maintaining an attitude about other things, and imperiously couldn’t care less, but perhaps Bud is interested in some eyeball strokes.