6 thoughts on “TypePad Broken??!

  • Dan

    Blogs are visible, but access to the back end is not. I got in once, but the page was cached. One post made yesterday at 1pm GMT has now gone missing. Hopefully these will all be rolled back- SA are good at bringing things back….

  • Susie Bright

    this is a particular disaster for me. i just sent out an email to 3500 people last night, directing them to my latest posting… something i’ve never done before. of course, this AM, if they click on the link, they will get an error page.
    i feel like i’ve been caught with my pants down. should i have had a back up system somehow? is this a once in a lifetime occurance?

  • Susie Bright

    this is a particular disaster for me. i just sent out an email to 3500 people last night, directing them to my latest posting… something i’ve never done before. of course, this AM, if they click on the link, they will get an error page.
    i feel like i’ve been caught with my pants down. should i have had a back up system somehow? is this a once in a lifetime occurance?

  • Victor

    No, you are not to blame for this Susie. This is Six Apart’s responsibility to its customers.
    As of now, it seems posts made after December 9th/10th are not currently avaialble.
    Althought Michael says 2 days here, it’s actually longer. http://www.sixapart.com/typepad/news/2005/12/current_issues.html
    They say they “should” be able to get the posts after this date back in place once “maintenance” is done.
    This is going to cause a bigger stir than the October Madness incident.
    Oh well.

  • Susie Bright

    Sorry I hit your Comments twice. Let’s see if I hold my finger steady this time.
    Phil at Feedblitz advised to me go search out for any copies I might have of my missing posts, b/c worst case scenario is I’ll never see them again from Six Apart.
    I was able to retrieve 5 out of 6 of my missing posts since the 10th, by looking in my Firefox cache. However, just as I was about to copy the last one, ALL the Typepad pages turned into error mush… so I was lucky to save what I did. It’s like running out of a burning house!
    I had a lot of postings b/c I had done about eight hours of writing/designing before going away for Xmas… wanted to keep the home fires burning blogside. Good grief.
    What was the October Madness incident? You know, I have looked in Google and Technorati to find out any news on this, and your and Feedblitz’s postings are the only thing happening. Where is the BBS when you need it??
    if I asking you things that everyone else is already bored and aware of, feel free to email me!

  • Barb

    This is exactly why I just switched. This, and because their customer support isn’t what it used to be. I’ve inserted a redirect script into my TypePad blog to my new home just until I can cancel my account. BTW, I still haven’t received that 15-day credit.

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