Monthly Archives: April 2006

What ahmadinejad and bush have in common

Neither one knows much about anything. Bryan reports on a piece from BBC World Today:

…about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, essentially saying that the office of President actually is not that powerful, and there is no reason to believe that Ahmadinejad actually knows what he is talking about when it comes to the nuclear program. Mr. Ahmadinejad has no scientific training and was the mayor of Tehran until his election.

In other words, don’t pay any more attention to ahmadinejad than you would to the former Texas governor who also has no scientific training.

Male Fertility Advice

PZ cuts to the chase:

  • Ditch the cell phone!
  • Drink coffee;it makes you more manly.
  • Don’t look at porn too often, since you can habituate.
  • When you do look at porn, the more explicit, the better.
  • Here’s the awkward one: the more studly guys lounging about in your porn, the more anxious your gonads will be, and the better their production.

Go read the PZ’s post for data and the always entertaining discussion.

Could it be that the fed’s war on pornography is all about minimizing fertility outside their favored demographics?

Frivolous Laws

Judges in Wisconsin can deal handily with frivolous law suits:

Doyle said in a veto message the frivolous claims bill would strip judges of their discretion in dealing with such lawsuits. Current law already allows judges to sanction people who bring frivolous cases, including making them pay expenses and attorney fees, Doyle said.

So just why didn’t Governor Doyle veto the apparently unnecessary law banning people from suing restaurants for making them fat? Such suits are easily classified as frivolous and it seems that plaintiffs and attorneys should quickly learn their lesson without the need for another law on the books.

“He thinks it’s certainly reasonable to have a law that you just can’t sue a restaurant because you’re overweight,” Leistikow said. “He doesn’t think we should have those kinds of lawsuits here.”
The bill creates an exemption for the food industry from civil claims related to weight gain, obesity or health conditions caused by eating food.

Nope, no apparent reason not to veto. As noted in the opening Wisconsin judges have the tools to deal with frivoloous suits. This is simply another unnecessary law, a type of law that legislatures should not be in the habit of passing because the next time they just might make some big governement entity or corporate crony immune from lawsuits that are not at all frivolous.