Friday Ark #99
We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
We will add your post to the list if you do one of the following:
- Leave a comment (moderated) or trackback (moderated) to this post (Don’t panic if you get back an “internal server error” message. Haven’t been able to figure out why this is happening but comments still seem to post.).
- Use the Carnival Submission Form,
- Use the Blog Carnival Submission Form,
- Email Modulator or
- Our extensive staff finds it during our weekly search of the web
Of course, if our staff goes on strike then we will link only those posts someone tells us about. Time permitting we will continue boardings until the Carnival of the Cats goes up on Sunday.
Do link to the Friday Ark whether you use trackbacks or not.
Visit each border and come back regularly Friday-Sunday to visit new boarders.
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map. (71 shouts as of 08/10)
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and the 124th edition, 8/6 is up at TBIFOC. The 125th edition will be hosted by blog d’Ellison on 8/13. There are more weekly cats at eatstuff’s Weekend Cat Blogging which has many participants who may not be familiar to Ark or Carnival participants. Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map.
Bird folks: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks. The 29th edition is up and hosted by Alis Volat Propiis The 30th edition will be hosted on 8/17 by Burning Silo.
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles. The 11th edition is up at Words & Pictures. The 11th edition will be hosted August 31st by Sunbeams From Cucumbers.
Arkive editions of the Friday Ark.
Note: Boarders marked with an asterisk were brought forward from #98 because our crew did not get them boarded.
- Pet’s Garden: Brat Cats*
- Daily Straying: Cat amongst coats*
- Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging ~ on Sunday*
- Mensa Barbie: On travel for awhile…
- Chris Dolley: Kitten Picture Wednesday: The Same Kittens, Different Bowl
- The MisAdventures of Rico Loco: The Name Game
- Sisu: The Powers That Pee and photo ops
- Blog d’Elisson: Thursday Evening Catblogging
- Beezer Song: I’ve been tagged
- Melange: King Of The Hill and So Happy Together
- The Conservative Cat: Ferdinand T. Cat – Catblogging: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging: Computer Room Security
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging: Sammy, Frankie, Phil and Paz
- Jelly Pizza: She’ll Get Back To You…
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday: Is it contagious?
- TacJammer: Hiding In Plain Sight
- Texas Oasis: Friday Cat: STILL Cute with Bad Habits
- enrevanche: Best friends forever
- Manx Mnews: CSI: Inspector Abby on the case
- Val’s Bien: Tigger and the Laundry
- Rurality: Velvet ant, fishing spider and George investigates
- Anchored by Grace: Conversations with Blossom
- Catcall: Friday Catblogging: From the Catcams
- Athenamama: Let’s Find the Pets!
- Far Cartouche: Lady and Houdini Out Rolling Around
- Middle Fork: Lady Expounds Upon Gravitation
- Stereophilia: Stoned Again and Modern Art
- Caturday: Ramona’s Big Dream
- Elms in the Yard: Friday Cat Photos
- composite drawlings: Friday Catblog: Mom’s new family, Dad’s chagrin
- The Wide Awake Cafe: Cats in Sink
- Catymology: Got tail?
- Meankitty Says….: Pretzel Kitty and Kung Fu fighting
- Chicats: Friday Cat Blogging – Wake up call!
- i am a butterfly…: Friday Cat Blogging: Joxer
- Eschaton: Friday Cat Blogging
- Leigh Witchel: Friday Cat Blogging – She Who Must Be Petted
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging – Cotton
- Sherry Chandler: Cat in Window with Essayist
- Watermark: Feline Spirituality, Again
- Americablog: Here are your stupid cats boarded 8/12
- Because It’s Better: Friday Cat Blogging: Princess Mia Bella boarded 8/12
- Take Joy!: Alright, Where Are My Treats? boarded 8/12
- Fresh Paint: Kitten Blogging Friday: Kittens Escape Fire boarded 8/12
- Crazy meezer: My Special Boys boarded 8/12
- Good Nonsense: Friday Cat blogging: Even Satan Gets Sleepy. boarded 8/12
- The Black Puma boarded 8/12
- Lawyers, Guns and Money: Friday Cat Blogging: Nelson and Starbuck boarded 8/12
- Mind of Mog: Last Kitty Pic boarded 8/12
- Blue Ridge Blog: Feeling Nibbled to Death…
- Rurality: Crawdad, Velvet ant, fishing spider and George
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature: Look who I found…
- Henry’s Webiocosm Blog: Ants, Aphids and Ivy
- Thomasburg Walks: Life and Death in the Far Field
- Pharyngula: Friday Cephalopod Blogging: White Stripes
- Rosetta Stones: Mussels Adapting to Invasion by Asian Shore Crabs and Green Crabs
- Burning Silo: go away and leave me alone! Black Swallowtail caterpillar boarded 8/12
- Farmgirl Fare: The Chickens Love Company*
- A DC Birding Blog: Birds of the Mid-Atlantic #19: Eastern Kingbird
- James Norton Photography!: Barn Swallow Chicks Being Fed!
- Tortoise Trail: The Birds in our Yard – Black-headed Grosbeaks
- Birdchick Blog: Doh! All the good banding happens when I’m not around! boarded 8/12
- Farmgirl Fare: Daily Farm Photo: 8/11/06 Tweet; boarded 8/12
- Dharma Bums: Heron boarded 8/12
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature: Rabbit*
- Farmgirl Fare: Donkey Doodle Dandy* and Cary the Lamb*
- Sisu: Lemming Suicide
- The Urban Pantheist: 365 Urban Species. #217: Domestic Rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus
- Val’s Bien: Casey and Tyler
- Middle Fork: Orange Frog and Orange Frog 2
- WoodSong: Awareness: Backyard Bobcat, Lynx rufus
- aliment: das liebe Schwein boarded 8/12
- Ocellated: Forget the Friday Pussy Cat Blogging: Lynx rufus boarded 8/12
- Daily Straying: The Wag and Bone Show*
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog – Canine Expression: Sasha and Dexter*
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Weekend Pet Pic: Kyan Pup*
- enrevanche: Best friends forever
- Val’s Bien: Darn, No Walk!
- Athenamama: Let’s Find the Pets!
- A Stitch In Haste: Friday Diamond bathing
- The Naked Truth: Friday Puppy Blogging: Kissy Pugs
- The Alternate Brain: Friday Cattle Dog Blogging: Princess Shayna smells something fishy…
- Battlepanda: Friends boarded 8/12
- Birdchick Blog: Puppy Anatiacs boarded 8/12
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog – Winter’s Tale: Sasha and Dexter boarded 8/12
- Justin’s Random Thoughts: Bruiser missed y’all boarded 8/12
- Through Our Eyes: We’re back, and Bear says hi! boarded 8/12
- The Voltage Gate: Why Spiders Aren’t Insects IV: Adventures in Molecular Homology
Note for Haloscan Users: Haloscan started (the end of July) rejecting trackbacks if they were submitted “too rapidly” by the same host. I don’t know what the timer is but it is long enough so that it was very difficult to ping everyone that is using Haloscan for trackbacks. I’m sure that they are doing this to try to hold back the tide of trackback spam but it makes the service pretty useless for carnival type posts. Perhaps you can contact them and urge some different solution. Update: Typepad appears to be doing the same thing. Everytime I update the Ark it appears the timers are reset and the long list of MT autogenerated pings fail. Yecchhhh….