We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
We add boarders all day Friday plus intermittently on Saturday and Sunday so visit frequently.
You can find out how to board the Friday Ark at the Arkive page.
- Chris Dolley: The Trouble with Tribbles
- Sisu: Baby Cakes and Sweet Tiny Pea preparing for dinner…
- enrevanche: Thursday catblogging: The Pasha
- Catymology: Cosmo & Amber: A moment of peace
- houseofchaos: Pawdy tool
- The Poor Mouth: Robyn
- T.Bird On A Wire: Farm Cats
- Wicked Games: Daiquiris in Bed
- Melange: A Cross-eyed Kitty’s Tummy and King Of The Household Jungle
- Blog d’Elisson: Getting The Jump On Friday Catblogging: Ringo
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging: Cat-in-the-Box
- Beezer Song: Action
- Gigolokitty!: Ask The Gigolokitty! #3
- Manx Mnews: Happy Friday the 13th Catblogging: Boo invites you over
- House of the (Mostly) Black Cats: No Paraskevidekatriaphobia Here
- Take Joy!: Serena and Sam play King of the Hill
- Texas Oasis: Friday Cats – Alex gets mellow
- Val’s Bien: Bows and the Afternoon Sunlight
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging: Rocky Girl inside
- stillpoint: shredder
- Life @ GracefulSymmetry: Feline Friday: This one begs to be captioned
- Aunty Holly: Holly in the Sky with Minors
- Stereophilia: Stereophile: Because She’s Huge In Spirit and Stereophile: Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa
- Outside In: Bum Deal
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday: Feline Friday: Up close and personal with Lyra McKitten
- Leslie’s Omnibus: Traveling Companions: The Divine Miss Marilyn poses
- Catcall: Friday Catblogging – “ghost kitties” snack and nibble
- The Wide Awake Cafe: Captain’s Inspection
- Watermark: ASCII Cats
- The Conservative Cat: Ferdinand T. Cat – Catblogging: A Reason for Pause
- The Dees Diversion: Friday cat blogging – lazy day edition
- Delectatio Morosa: Friday Cat Blog: Maya and the Change of Seasons
- Echidne Of The Snakes: Friday Pet and Echidne Blogging
- bloggo chicago: Friday Cat Blogging #34: Dual Purpose
- Hepcat.blog: Sim & Daisy enjoying their New Digs
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging: Frankie, Phil, Paz, and Sammy
- Allan Thinks: Did you just take my picture?
- Prophet or Madman: Friday Pet Blogging: Sunbeam and Crate
- The Scratching Post: This Paperwork is Killing Me
- Shrimp and Grits: Friday cat: Do not disturb my slumber
- The Whole Kitten Kaboodle: Haley Is A Slut!!!!! (And A Toy Thief)
- anniemiz: Growing Up, Moving Out
- a cat and twenty: friday cat blogging, meta edition
- Kitten Picture: Butchie wants out
- Later On: Belated cat-blogging: Megs being a lap cat
- Meditation Matters: Friday cat blogging! Leroy
- Kaze the Cat: Frootbat Friday!!!
- 7610: My ferals
- composite drawlings: Friday Catblog: chaos and memories
- Crazy meezer: Up close and personal
- Julie’s Web Journal: Feline Friday: Midnight and Abby and Friday the 13th
- Mind of Mog: Bazel
- Lawyers, Guns and Money: Friday Cat Blogging: Henry
- Dohiyi Mir: Friday Kittenzblogging!
- First Draft: Scaredy Cat Teddy
- Elms in the Yard: Tummy Tuesday: 13 or 22 boarded 10/14
- Wildrun: Not really what we needed right now… boarded 10/14
- What Did You Eat?: WCB: When Travel Plans Go Awry; boarded 10/14
- (sometimes)photoblog: Feline Friday: Harley boarded 10/14
- Aaron, A Demented Lawyer: Good Friday the 13th… Walter boarded 10/14
- The Culture Ghost: Friday Cat Blogging: Louis boarded 10/14
- Mad Times: Parked boarded 10/14
- Maggie’s Meanderings: yeah, tell me about it. boarded 10/14
- No Fancy Name: friday cat blogging the saga of sharing continues… boarded 10/14
- No Capital: RetroKittyBlogging boarded 10/14
- Photos and Pursuits: Bella and Kenz boarded 10/14
- i am a butterfly…: Friday Cat Blogging: Princess Xena boarded 10/14
- Oscar and Friends: It is too hot to even think… boarded 10/14
- Pen Elayne: Friday Cat Blogging: Datsa boarded 10/14
- Catymology: Cosmo & Amber: A moment of peace
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog – Hitting the Wall: Dexter and Sasha
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging: Rocky Girl rolling around
- Pet’s Garden: Photo Friday – Destruction
- Echidne Of The Snakes: Friday Pet and Echidne Blogging
- quietly ecstatic’s journal: Mia is so silly
- Something So Clever: Pugalicious
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature: a female yorkie
- composite drawlings: Friday Catblog: chaos and memories
- Dependable Renegade: Saturday adopt-a-puppy blogging; boarded 10/14
- Dispensing Happiness: WDB: Fire-Proof Pup boarded 10/14
- Ironicus Maximus: Friday Hound Blogging: Tuff is very sweet,… boarded 10/14
- Murphies: Is he a dog or a mouse? boarded 10/14
- Middle Fork: Lady, Kibble Nimbus boarded 10/14
- The Dax Files: Woolly Worm Winter
- Pharyngula: Friday Cephalopod: Telescope Octopus
- Thomasburg Walks: Walking Stick Love
- Creek Running North: Mystery Beetle
- Rigor Vitae: Life Unyielding Caenorhabditis, Hearnorhabditis
- Cleek: Yellow Butterfly
- Henry’s Webiocosm Blog: Friday’s Insect: Green Lacewing
- Bird Ecology Study Group: Oriental Pied Hornbill eating a bee; boarded 10/14
- Burning Silo: California Sisters, Adelpha bredowii californica boarded 10/14
- Ontogeny: Friday Ant Zen: A column of Leptogenys carries brood… boarded 10/14
- Snail’s Tales: How I survived the flesh-eating beetles on Friday the 13th! boarded 10/14
- Tortoise Trail: I and the Bird #34: Hootenanny
- A DC Birding Blog: New Bird in Colombia
- Rurality: Loggerhead Shrike
- Dependable Renegade: Early Friday Critterblogging: King Parrots
- Rigor Vitae: Life Unyielding Caenorhabditis, Hearnorhabditis
- Burning Silo: Brown Pelicans
- Left I on the News: Today’s Nature Moment: Acorn Woodpecker stashing acorns
- Birdchick Blog: Bunny Mischief and Juncos
- Bird Ecology Study Group: Oriental Pied Hornbill eating a bee; boarded 10/14
- Mokka mit Schlag: Cedar Waxwing boarded 10/14
- Alis Volat Propiis: First Rain boarded 10/14
- Natural Visions: Friday Quiz #17 boarded 10/14
Other Vertebrates
- T.Bird On A Wire: Pita Likes Cotton
- Take Joy!: Goatblogging: The Unbearable Cuteness of Jesse
- Daily Straying: Baby Pygmy GoatAdorable Dora
- Kirbside Musings: Alligator
- Birdchick Blog: Bunny Mischief and Juncos
In Memoriam
- TacJammer: Gone: Rest in Peace: Bubba
- Rurality: RIP Stewpot
- The Craft H:In Memoriam Eregon Kitten 05/06-10/06
Didn’t Make It
- x
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- Chaos Digest: Sun Blogging
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map. (73 shouts as of 10/12)
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings. Also, there are more doggies at Weekend Dog Blogging hosted this weekend by Sweetnicks.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and the 133rd edition, 10/8, is up at Curiouser and Curiouser. The 133rd edition will be hosted by The House of the (Mostly) Black Cats on 10/15. There are more weekly cats at Weekend Cat Blogging hosted on 10/14 by Rosa’s Yummy Yums . Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map.
Bird folks: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks. The 34th edition is up and hosted by Tortoise Trail. The 35th edition will be hosted on 10/26 by Migration.
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles. The 13th edition is up at Deep Sea News. The 14th edition will be hosted at the end of October by The Neurophilosopher’s Blog.
For other current carnivals check out The Conservative Cat’s Carnival Page, The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
Note for Haloscan Users:
Haloscan started (the end of July) rejecting trackbacks if they were submitted “too rapidly” by the same host. I don’t know what the timer is but it is long enough so that it was very difficult to ping everyone that is using Haloscan for trackbacks. I’m sure that they are doing this to try to hold back the tide of trackback spam but it makes the service pretty useless for carnival type posts. Perhaps you can contact them and urge some different solution. Update: Typepad appears to be doing the same thing. Everytime I update the Ark it appears the timers are reset and the long list of MT autogenerated pings fail. Yecchhhh….
The Giggy continues his bad-advice column at
Boo invites everyone in over at….
On Half-Nekkid Thursday, ladies show off their Titties –
But now that it’s Friday, come show us your Kitties!
OK, that was lame. But lame or not, it’s still Friday, which means it’s time to set sail on the Friday Ark, the 108th voyage of wh …
Serena and Sam play King of the Hill
and in goatblogging:
The Unbearable Cuteness of Jesse
Carnivalia, and an open thread
Take a moment and get caught up in these tangles of links: Friday Ark #108 Carnival of Education #88 Carnival of the Liberals #23 Skeptics’ Circle #45 Philosophia Naturalis #2 Otherwise, chat among yourselves (hmmm…seems to be a lot…
Dexter crashed into a concrete wall this week, and survived without any observable ill effects.So he was able to continue his jaunts with Sasha.
All Aboard!
The Friday Ark has embarked at the Modulator. Finally I have found a “carnival” where I can showcase my creepy crawlies. If that isn’t cool enough I have discovered the Circus of the Spineless for all my buggy friends.
Just Damn!
RIP Stewpot
Loggerhead Shrike
Your goatblogging link doesn’t seem to be working.
Feline Friday
A face only a mother could love?
This one begs to be captioned.
This one begs to be captioned…
Walking Stick Love
Lost in a folder marked “Sept18-flora,” these images of northern walking sticks (Diapheromera femorata) I came upon cavorting in a raspberry patch.
Feline Friday: Up close and personal with Lyra McKitten
Friday Catblogging
It’s time for Friday Catblogging, where you blog about your cat. Every day is Catblogging Day here at Catcall, but it’s extra-special when it’s Friday. Okay, so the food bowls are now covered like by an infrared-capable camera, and folks…
These were made with t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m. ASCII-O-Matic, via dailywebthing linkport with these photos: Not very catlike portraits, are they? But mildly interesting. This one, from the site, is better: More ASCII Cats (click images to go to originatin…
“Some of us here, particularly me, would like to buy you a drink and shake your hand.”
Gratuitous cute kitty pic of Tiny atop the woodpile to celebrate the return — after 18 long days — of our Pentax Optio 450 from its annual trip back upstream to Colorado for repair. The satiny blue folds are highlights
Friday Cat Blogging No. 34: Dual Purpose
recently, i bought a big tool box in which to store all of my tools, metals, etc. for my metalsmithing class. apparently, it has a dual purpose:
but how could i resist?
Angelo says: more pet pics are available for your viewing pleasure at …
Sim & Daisy enjoying their New Digs
Did you just take my picture? No, really. Did. You. Take. My. Picture? You know how annoyed I get when you take my picture. When are you going to stop doing it? When?
.flickr-photo { border: solid 0px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Click image for a much better view. Posted for Cat Blog Friday, the Friday Ark, a…
This Paperwork is Killing Me
Sorting through these files is exhausting!
Friday’s Insect: Green Lacewing
Friday Creature
Last week’s Friday Creature was one of my next-door neighbor’s yorkies. This is the other one, the girl. She’s very shy and a little skittish at first, but eventually, she’ll snuggle up against you, if you’re willing to sit still…
My ferals
Here are the ferals that live near my house. Feeding time! Be sure to check out the Friday Ark, and the Carnival of the Cats for more feline fun!…
He’s such a pretty kitty, the picture of innocence. But one look at the corners of the sofa cushions or the coax, any cables actually, and you know he’s not. Surprised he hasn’t electrocuted himself.
For other beautiful but not so…
Hi, I see there’s an ‘anniemiz’ on your list of cat links. I think you meant to link to my post
http://anniemiz.typepad.com/anniemiz/2006/10/friday_cat_blog.html .
The link currently in your post is to another blogger’s article on snails.
Thank you,
Friday Cat Blogging
This is so trite.
[Editor: Ringo checks off another cat guild requirement, climbing into every available of box.]
Friday Ark
Critters, Critters, Everywhere! 2
House of the ( Mostly ) Black Cats presents Carnival of the Cats #134. The Modulator has its usual extensive collection of Critter pics in Friday Ark #108. The Cat Blogosphere has the Weekend Cat News #9. Rosa’s Yummy Yums