We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can find out how to board the Friday Ark at the Arkive page.
ALERT: Our boarding crew is sick…expect delays…
Alert Update 1/27 18:47 EDT: Apologies to everyone we have not boarded yet. Still sick… We will complete boardings as soon as possible.
- Blog d’Elisson: Love at First Sight
- Sisu: Baby, whose focused stare…
- The Poor Mouth: Mimi
- Texas Oasis: Purrsday Night ~ Face Time
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging with Lady Fortuna
- Watermark: Save These Cats’ Jobs!
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Photo Tip: Property
- The Conservative Cat: Catblogging: The Osmotic Theory of Protein Transfer
- Manx Mnews: Ping’s Treasure
- Gypsy & Tasha – Kaz’s Cats: Formerly Feral Friday ~ Tasha
- Dragonheart’s Domain: Frootbats x2
- Elms in the Yard: Table for Two
- Lab Kat: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Zen Edition: Pixel: You’re messin’ up my chi.
- What A Good Cat: Traditional Friday Cat Blogging ~ Nicky
- This, That & The Other Thing: Feline Friday ~ Cuddle Buddies
- Chey’s Place: Feature Friday ~ Chey needs a Body Guard
- Mind of Mog: Caturday ~ Staying Out
- Books at Eclectics: Bookshelf Cat Takes a Break
- JB’s Small World: Careful with the Snoopervising!
- Rook’s Rant: Friday Cat Blogging
- anniemiz: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Sleep Aids: Miles & Lizzie lull Kevin to sleep
- composite drawlings: Friday Catblog ~ Scanners>
- Musings of a Mad Macedonian: Remembering My Earliest Days Online
- The Scratching Post: What’s Wrong with this Picture?
- My Back 40 (Feet): <Rainy Day Blues
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging: Frankie and Sammy
- Catymology: Whatever Lola wants boarded 1/28
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday ~ Golden Glow boarded 1/28
- Prophet or Madman: Cats love denim, at least Otis does; boarded 1/28
- meeyauw: LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings…for the Third Sunday After Epiphany boarded 1/28
- Mind of Mog: Caturday ~ Thursday Thirteen and Gloomy Day boarded 1/28
- iInfidel: Pest Kitty boarded 1/28
- Val’s Bien: Brace Yourself
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ Sasha and Dexter had a mixed week
- A Blog Around The Clock: Home again… Dog was happy to see me
- JB’s Big World: Poodle Butts in Palm Beach
- Athenamama: A New Camera for the Angel and Jackie Webcam
- composite drawlings: Dogblog ~ Clyde waits patiently
- sleeping mommy: I love this dog
- What Do I Know: Friday Cow Blogging ~ “Dogs are weird.”
- Trevor’s Birding: I and the Bird #67
- Living the Scientific Life: Anas laysanensis, Pale Male, Central Park’s Superstar Hawk, Bird Tornado and Sleeping Flamingoes, Aechmorphus clarkii an more in Birds in the News #115
- The Backyard Arthropod Project: Snow Fly
Other Vertebrates
- KeesKennis: Lions, Lion and dead Giraffe and Elephants
- Rurality: Game cam bucks, Coyote and Raccoon and a gorgeous Bobcat
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature ~ Turtle
- Greg laden’s Blog: Hagfish: Aphrodisiac of the deep
- Pet Monologues: Elephants
- What Do I Know: Friday Cow Blogging
In Memoriam
- Rurality: R.I.P. Geckie
- The Scratching Post: Jacob the Syrian Hamster, 2005-2008
Didn’t Make It
- The Daily Kos: Marine Life Series – Megalodon boarded 1/28
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- x
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- the 201st edition, 1/20, is up at Missy, KC, Sol & Smokey
- The 202nd edition, 1/27, will be hosted by the Bad Kitty Cats
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 137th edition, 1/19-20, is up at What Did You Eat?
- The 138th edition, 1/26-27, will be hosted by Tuxedo Gang Hideout
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos which goes up every weekend
- The 28th edition, 1/20, is up at Mind of Mog
- The 28th edition, 1/27, will be hosted by Pet’s Garden Blog
- Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks.
- The 67th edition, 1-24, is up at Trevor’s Birding
- The 68th edition, 2/7, will be hosted by Biological Ramblings
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 28th edition, December, is up at Catalog of Organisms
- The 29th edition, january, will be hosted by Andrea’s Buzzing About
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
“Having no vase, she improvised”
Watch the birdie, the pioneering portrait photographer’s old standby to get the subject to look alert, works like a charm with Baby, whose focussed stare above is effortlessly induced by our dangling the camera’s strap just off camera.If all we
One more!
Sasha and Dexter had a mixed week, so we did something different with the photos.
Today’s Carnivals
Carnival of Space, Week 38 – The Adventures of Shorty Barlow, Private Eye – is up on Sorting Out Science Friday Ark #175 is up on the Modulator…
The cats and dogs and other beasts
All queue up for the trip.
They walk upon the gangplank
That takes them to the ship.
The anchor’s weighed, the sails are set,
The cargo is well-stowed,
As Captain Steve casts off and gets
The Show upon the Ro…
Friday Creature
I haven’t been taking very many photos at all lately, so I’m afraid until the weather gets warmer and less dreary, you’ll be seeing lots of creatures from the aquarium. This one is from my December visit, and I searched…
Bloody Good Show
Jill took me to the movies as a belated Christmas present as Christmas itself was marred by the car accident taking front and center. I hadn’t read that much about the movie, Sweeny Todd, beforehand so as not to spoil the plot but if spoilers are…
Staying Out
Cece. I’m getting better at this. He stayed out all yesterday. Cat food for my cats only. I am sooooo heartless, yes I am.
“She won’t let me in.” *sob*
Good kittycats at: BKCFoC CotC ARK WCB
Friday Cat Blogging
Oh God! I’ve stooped to craven popular blogging culture.
A New Camera For the Angel and Jackie Webcam
One of my favorite Christmas presents each year is the Amazon dot com gift certificate that my brother sends me. I love few things as much as online shopping, especially when I don’t have to pay for it, so I…
Save These Cats’ Jobs!
If you think that only humans are suffering from the current economic woes, think again. Boo and Spike have been out of work for months. They are free- lancers, they get paid on commission. If no one asks for their assistance, they don’t have any colum…
I’m in a hurry so for now I’m entering the Ark with a post of one of our dogs today.
Friday Cat Blogging
Photo Tip
[Editor: When taking a picture of a cat, like young Property, it is generally a good idea not to let the wrist strap dangle where they can see it. Well, they can’t see much after the flash goes off, and they don’t hang…
Friday Cow Blogging
Overheard in the pasture: Dogs are weird. Why do they roll in our shit? Same reason humans spread it on their crops. It’s a valuable commodity. Moo. No wonder the markets tanked this week.
I hope the boarding crew is all better soon.
Feline Friday: Golden glow
As Seattle continues to have unseasonably sunny weather, the McKittens have enjoyed more than the usual quotient of sleeping in the sun. While sunshine provides Miss Lyra with a silver lining (a bit of which is visible at the top of this photo), it pa…
Cats love denim, at least Otis does.
Carnivalia and an open thread
Hey! Carnivals! Accretionary Wedge #5. Rocks? How can they possibly find enough to write about rocks? Carnival of Space #38. Space? Even worse. It’s mostly nothing! I and the Bird #67. Birds? They’ve been at this for 67 weeks and…
Caturday Thursday Thirteen
Since he’s always around here’s a few facts about Cece, some of which I learned only yesterday.
1. He prefers being outside. Wonder if it has to do with all the dogs inside.
2. However, he likes it inside my house just fine.
3. He likes the…
Friday Ark 175
is here…
Pest Kitty
Neighbor cat came over, I growled at him to no avail. He just ignored me. Not only that, he took my spot. The garden is infested. Soooo I took another shady spot under this bush. Far enough away from him that I don’t have to see him.
There be s…
Gloomy Day
Woke up to gloom and doom. Let the kitties in, well Bazel anyway. No sign of the others. No sign of Cece. Maybe strike the doom part. Kitties inside got more cat food, less to share. Life is good.
Now if only I could stay awake, so sleepy. Just want to…
Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat 5
Welcome to Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat! Let’s begin with a News Report! 1. The BIG NEWS for me is an honor I received on February 1st! A month ago I joined a 4 year old Online Community for Dogs