We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can board the Friday Ark by submitting your post here, leaving a comment or a trackback to this post or emailing fridayark AT themodulator.org.
You can find previous editions at the not quite up to date Arkives page.
ALERT: The Blog Carnival entry form is down: please use comments, email or trackbacks.
- Sisu: Tiny and Tiny doesn’t like her medicine
- The Poor Mouth: Oscar and a feline hero
- The Scratching Post: Every Time I Come Home our Maximum Leader lays down…
- TacJammer: Comfy Cat
- It’s Morning Somewhere: FCB ~ Working My Butt Off
- Texas Oasis: Furbaby Friday ~ Cat Rodeo
- blog me no blogs: Catsquid
- Manx Mnews: Pingaling
- Life from a Cat’s Perspective: Finally Friday with Samantha and Mr. Tigger
- Lab Kat: Friday Cat Blogging: OBS Edition ~ Coby is Overcome By Sunshine
- sleeping mommy: The week in Cat Pictures
- This, That & The Other Thing: Finally Friday ~ Cubby, Mouse and Sox
- A Blog for Emma: Friday Food, er…Friends
- Perfectly Parker: Formerly Feral Friday ~ Love Is Shown In Many Ways
- Women Who Serve: Friday Cat Blogging ~ laundry day edition
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ End of a Lifestyle: Excise
- millertime: Hello, my name is Houseplant Kitties
- Take Joy!: The Literary Victoria
- composite drawlings: Friday Catblog ~ Nursemaid Maus
- Elms in the Yard: The Lady Snoozes
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging: Sammy and Frankie
- Michael and Jaspenelle: Feline Friday ~ Adore Me
- Cascade Exposures: Spectra, Dappled
- Political Animal: Friday Catblogging ~ Inkblot and Domino
- Artsy Catsy: 12 Step Program for Ferals
- Sisu: A basket case?
- Save Moki: soaring like Superman
- Mind of Mog: Finally Friday ~ Cece Speaks
- Consworld: I and the Bird #74
- A Blog for Emma: Friday Food, er…Friends
- Vulture Cafe: Western Grebes
- A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #148 ~ American Black Duck and more birding news
- Living the Scientific Life: Male Wood Duck, Aix sponsa. and more in Birds in the News #128
- Tetrapod Zoology: Raptor makes killing
- Bell Tower Birding: May P.O.R.N.
- Bird Ecology Study Group: Encounter with a Collared Scops Owl
- The Daily Kos: Marine Life Series – Coconut Crabs, (Birgus latro)
- blog me no blogs: Catsquid
- Myrmecos Blog: Friday Beetle Blogging ~ A Male Glow-worm, Distremocephalus – Phengodidae
- Birdchick Blog: Hiving The New Packages and Bee Movies
- Wanderin’ Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): High Hopes boarded 5/3
- Atlantic Ave.: Island Cat boarded 5/3
- Random Thoughts of Life: Friday Ark – Taste Sensation: Chelsea’s first taste of vegemite!
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ …it is a case for Sasha and Dexter of Light in my Eyes.
- Pamibe: Canine Carnival #27
- A Blog for Emma: Friday Food, er…Friends
- composite drawlings: Dogblog ~ Clyde waits with canine patience
- Cactus Blog: Friday Whippet Blogging ~ Benjamin and Jaxx
- Blue Ridge Blog: The two faces of Annie….
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Weekend Pet Pic: Kyan Pup boarded 5/4
Other Vertebrates
- Everyone Needs Therapy: City Cats
- skippy the bush kangaroo: hoppy kangaroo blogging friday
- It’s About the Journey: Beaver, Castor canadensis
- Tetrapod Zoology: Raptor makes killing
- What Do I Know: Friday Pig Blogging
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature ~ Squirrel
In Memoriam
- x
Didn’t Make It
- x
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- Creatures of the Earth: I’m too sexy for…… Cato’s Catwalk Contest
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- the 215th edition, 4/27, is up at House Panthers
- The 216th edition, 5/4, will be hosted at Momma Grace & Company
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 151st edition, 4/25-26, is up at A Byootaful Life
- The 152nd edition, 5/3-5/4, will be hosted by the kashim and Othello
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos which goes up every weekend
- The 42nd edition, 4/27, is supposed to be up at the Pet’s Garden Blog
- The 43rd edition, 5/4, will be hosted by CatSynth
- Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks.
- The 74th edition, 5/1, is up at Consworld
- The 75th edition, 5/15, will be hosted by Gallicissa
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 31st edition, March, is up at from Archaea to Zeaxanthol
- The 32nd edition, April, will be hosted by Deep Sea News
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- The Canine Carnival hosted by Pamibe
- The Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings
has been out of operation since July 2007
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
Carnival form was down! Sorry about doing this in comments.
My post is called
Catblogging – Cat rodeo
The URL is
What about Cephalopods?
Regardless, it is a case for Sasha and Dexter of Light in my Eyes.
Ping :
Under CATS
Happy Friday! Here’s our Cat blogging post for the weekend:
Happy Friday! Here’s our Cat blogging post for the weekend:
Hoppy Kangaroo Blogging Friday at skippy the bush kangaroo…The Itchy and Scratchy Democratic Primary version….
TGIFA! (Thank G. It’s Friday Ark!) Clyde waits with canine patience at his dogblog post, here: http://compositedrawlings.blogspot.com/2008/04/dogblog-clyde-waits-with-canine.html
and Maus is Friday Catblogged solicitously, here:
We all love the Ark, around here!
Friday Pig Blogging
This pig is taking a break. Actually, I think this is pretty much normal behaviour for pigs—lying around in the dirt, taking a load off. He’s fortunate. He (she?) lives in a petting area at Keukenhof Gardens in The Netherlands,
Friday Creature
There’s been a battle going on this spring in this one spot under my neighbor’s eaves. Apparently, the squirrel beat out the bird, and he loves to hang out and stare down anyone who might get any ideas about hanging…
A basket case?
We took advantage of the animals in the countdown to supper this afternoon, taunting them with Want your . . . leaving off the keyword supper in a shameless attempt to capture the Decisive Moment with our camera, above, a
We are soaring like Superman over at http://savemoki.blogspot.com/
Spectra, Dappled
Yep, still the queen! [update: The Friday Ark linked in. Thanks!]
Finally Friday
Finally a cat pic and it’s Cece. Well, if Meowza would get off the sofa and pose nice or Bazel even, I’d have more variety. Ever since I put down this microfiber throw, cats have been laying on it. Even when I’m not under it. Put ther…
Is it still Friday? (Checking.) Just barely, at least out here on the West Coast.
Here’s my contribution, for Invertebrates: High Hopes.
Here is our post for Cats!! It’s Finally Friday and the bugs are out!
An island cat for Cats…
Caturday Tummy
Here’s a silly Meowza pic I don’t think I uploaded anywhere else, too many blogs to keep track. Hmmm, would have made a nice Tummy Tuesday post. Oh well, Meowza tummy is good any day.
Weekend catting:
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos at Ca…
Today’s carnivals
The Boneyard XIX is up on Familiarity Breeds Content Festival of the Trees #23 is up on 10000 birds Circus of the Spineless #32 is up on Deep Sea News Friday Ark #189 is up on Modulator…
Friday Cat Blogging
End of a Lifestyle
I wonder what tutored means?
[Editor: The next time he appears, Excise will be a “retired gentleman cat”.]
Friday Ark
Friday Ark #189
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!