bush administration

Protecting Us…

…from mass destruction math instruction:

New York October 19
A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule, and a calculator.
At a morning press conference, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carryingweapons of math instruction.
“Al-gebra is a problem for us,” Gonzalez said. “They desire solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like ‘x’ and ‘y’ and refer to themselves as ‘unknowns,’ but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, ‘There are 3 sides to every triangle.’
When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, “If God had wanted us to have better Weapons of Math Instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes.” White House aides told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by the President during his entire administration.

Blatently stolen from a mailing list.

The Eye of Mordor is Upon You

According to rick santorum:

Embattled U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum said America has avoided a second terrorist attack for five years because the “Eye of Mordor” has been drawn to Iraq instead.

Santorum used the analogy from one of his favorite books, J.R.R. Tolkien’s 1950s fantasy classic “Lord of the Rings,” to put an increasingly unpopular war in Iraq into terms any school kid could easily understand.

“As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the Eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else,” Santorum said, describing the tool the evil Lord Sauron used in search of the magical ring that would consolidate his power over Middle-earth.

“It’s being drawn to Iraq and it’s not being drawn to the U.S.,” Santorum continued. “You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don’t want the Eye to come back here to the United States.”

James Joyner notes:

I’ve got to admit, I’d never thought of it that way before. . . .


It increasingly appears that Santorum’s Yoda-like wisdom will have to come from the sidelines,…

There are a lot of other folks that will not see this quite the way that santorum would like and, unfortunately, his wisdom is anything but Yoda-like.

The eyes that were drawn to Iraq 5 years ago pretty much all lived in Washington, DC. So I suppose this makes sense if santorum is equating Mordor with the US.

Many of us also would prefer that those eyes do not dwell often on the United States. Alas, even as they have put Americans in harms way, created chaos and death in Iraq, allowed Americans to torture others, etc., their eyes have not strayed far from home. They have had time to bring us the patriot act, the military commisions act and a myriad of other encroachments on the Constitution, liberty and freedom of the American people.

Update (10/20): Colbert agrees that santorum must be equating Morder with the US.

HP Does the Right Thing…Why Doesn’t Congress?

A breach of HP’s culture may have allowed this ill behavior to occur but it looks like the company is getting its culture back on track quickly:

Hewlett-Packard shoved Chairwoman Patricia Dunn off its board Friday, severing its ties to a leader whose efforts to plug a media leak morphed into a spying scandal that has spawned criminal and congressional investigations.

No matter whether it be chairman of the board, chief operating officer or president of the United States when they break the law, violate basic human rights, then they should be quickly removed from their position.
Waiting for the end of a contract or term of office or the next election is not acceptable in cases of such fundamental violations. That congress has not acted implicates at least the majority senators and representatives as accomplices. It is not clear that the minority legislators as indicated by their seeming compacency are any less guilty.

There are times when the people must take the action into their own hands. We may be facing one of those times.

Depends for w

Christopher Buckley on the past 6 years of the bush administration:

Who knew, in 2000, that “compassionate conservatism” meant bigger government, unrestricted government spending, government intrusion in personal matters, government ineptitude, and cronyism in disaster relief? Who knew, in 2000, that the only bill the president would veto, six years later, would be one on funding stem-cell research?
A more accurate term for Mr. Bush’s political philosophy might be incontinent conservatism.

Independents, republicans and democrats should all send w a diaper.