Back on His Meds
Kevin Drum wonders whether bush was off his meds tonight:
It’s one thing to be passionate, but it’s quite another to look like you’re off your meds and need to be restrained.Perhaps, though, it is the other way around as Lauren suggests:
I’m not the only one who noticed this, am I?
Did Bushie resume his 1970�s penchant for nose candy? He seems awfully jumpy. Perhaps edgy is a better word for it.Well, this would explain the hyper early behavior and the relatively more controlled behavior later in the presentation.
Debate Question
Lots of folks have posed potential questions for bush and kerry. Here’s one from Say Uncle:
So, the drug war costs billions and billions and billions of dollars. Many innocent, peaceable citizens have been needlessly killed by a police force that has been essentially militarized. People are not secure in their homes because of no knock warrants and search warrants issued based on the frequently false testimony of criminals. Property is taken and lives are destroyed over a few minuscule amounts of drugs. Is it worth that price to confiscate an infinitesimally small fraction of a percent of the drug supply in this country?Both candidates will, though, say similar BS. Something like: “Yes, it is worth it..followed by a bunch of babble with an emphasis on being tougher then the other guy.” And, most of the brainwashed public will nod knowingly and forget the question was even asked.
I suspect that it will take more direct action than a question at a debate to bring an end to this long reign of domestic and foreign terrorism.
Global Test
The Rude Pundit has provided kerry an answer to tonight’s question about the global test thing.
Warning: this is, as you might expect from the Rude one, x-rated.
Via Atrios.
Best vp Debate Post I’ve Read
Sorry, I’ve avoided most of them so the sample is small. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for any to top Jim Henly. He nailed it!