Late Night Reads

Late Night Reading

Jesse at Pandagon would like to hear something other then the usual pablum from bush on 9/11. Something that will truly “dignify the deaths of 3000 people.”
The 51st Carnival of the Vanities is up at Solport. Plenty of good reading.
Greg Easterbrook and Jacob Levy discuss the revised Oath of Allegiance that new citizens must recite. Luckily natural born citizens do not have to commit to this kind of stuff. Really, I’d like to hear more about the government’s commitments.
Good Night!

Late Night Reads

Mark Kleiman asks whether political motives were involved with Ricuarte’s retracted MDMA paper and suggests a full investigation of MDMA research.
Well, Cancun is where the action is and Arnold Kling has the links for you including this one at the Cato Institute that has a wealth of pro and con discussion.
Late Niight Reading should lengthen again soon. Other project are impinging for the rest of this week.
Good Night!