
Critics are good for?

Jaquandor writes a nice piece on what we can learn from critics:

I read a lot of critics and reviews, because I think their writings are often informative. Critics are almost always very well-steeped in their chosen fields, so one can learn a great deal from them, about the history and development of the field, which works shaped the field and which might have, but didn’t (and thus went on to become “unjustly neglected masterworks”). But I’ve always been deeply suspicious of critics as judges of what is good and what is bad, because – – and there is simply no other way to say this – – they so very, very often get it wrong.

And what we likely will not learn:


The Way of Castenada

I have read all or part of each of Carlos Castenada’s books and still reach for one from time to time when I need to refresh the way I look at the world, when my vision has stagnated. Castenada himself was always a mystery and early on I decided that while I’d be happiest if the narratives could be verified through peer review (I don’t think this has happened) that they might be fiction did not really take away from their transformative power.
Amy Wallace has released a new book, SORCEROR’S APPRENTICE: My Life with Carlos Castaneda, which Castenada aficionados may want to read.


Bobblehead Jack

In an unusual juxtaposition of sports and literature Jack Kerouac will make an appearance as a bobblehead doll:

The first 1,000 fans at the Aug. 21 game between the Lowell Spinners and Williamsport Crosscutters of the Class A New York-Penn League will receive bobbing likenesses of Jack Kerouac.

That’s On the Road he’s standing on. Full article here.

Saucy Harry

John at Catallarchy has found some entertaining, though out of context, snippets from the new Harry Potter.

Now, I’m sure most of you have not been looking for this type of thing as you read the Harry Potter stories but have you found other examples? Rowling was not adverse to sneaking in a bit of off color humor in the earlier books.