
Rain In Salem For the First Time

Well, for the first time since 1892:

….it hadn’t rained in Oregon’s capital on July 12 since record-keeping began in 1892.
Thirty years later, in 1928, the official weather station began keeping weather data at Salem Municipal Airport, and the streak continued.

Nope, it doesn’t rain all the time in the Pacific Northwest.

Chemistry Experiments

Scientists must experiment and kids will have fun!
Yes, the CPSC, your local city nannycrats and the narcothugs work hard to keep you from learning chemistry, shooting off fireworks and stopping your runny nose. In spite of these ill conceived efforts a little ingenuity and a trip to your local supermarket or convenience store can get you plenty of explosive goodies!
For instance here is what you can achieve with some Diet Coke and Mentos Mints. If they try to stop ya, well, just spray in their face.
How soon do you think the swat teams will be coming for these guys or for you? If you think never then perhaps you should consider Patri’s thoughts on the subject.
Via Tegan.

Update: Chemistry gone wrong–mixing Pepsi and Mentos. Via Solonor’s Inkwell via The Tree.