
Flogging the Gropenator

Kevin Drum and the LA Times bash arnold for vetoing some measures that targeted something called tax cheats.
First we read:

The governor has vetoed several bills that would allow agents to go after more businesses and individuals who cost the state millions by cheating on their returns, or not filing at all.

It is too bad that the state is being hindered by people trying to protect their earning from extortion.

The governor blocked efforts to increase penalties on retailers who filch the sales taxes they collect,…

These folks need to start providing restitution yesterday. They are thieves. Oh yes, the restitution should be to the people they stole the money from.

…and on companies that don’t collect taxes when they should.

Well, let’s thank these companies for helping folks keep their earnings.

A proposal to help authorities garnish wages of convicted tax evaders for as long as their debt is unpaid also was vetoed.

Hey, it’s their wages it should be their choice what they do with their money.
arnold is deserving of much derision and bashing. He is, after all, a politician and as such devoted to doing stuff with resources taken from others without their consent. In this case, though, he has some of it right though undoubtably for the wrong reasons.
And, Kevin, et al, it is pretty hard to give a war if no one, or few, contribute.

We Must Treat Our Victims Fairly

In true mob form fred enderle, city manager of loveland, ohio, says:

…the amount Combs owes isn’t the real issue.
“Whether it’s $1 they owe us or $1,000, it’s not fair to the rest of the public to not pursue that person,” he said. “There is some expense involved, but it goes back to the principle. We have laws. The laws have to be complied with. At what cost do you stop enforcing the law?”

You bet, if they don’t pay break their knees so the next one will be compliant.
In the case of Deborah Combs the amount was $1.16.
You know, though, that taxation is not extortion, right?
Via The Agitator.

Shouldn’t We Quit Interfering in Religion?

Yep, we should!
It is time to take religious institutions off the public dole and remove all their tax exemptions. You should not need any more justification than this but in addition there is no good reason why your and my taxes should be higher just so these folks don’t have to pay their fair share.
And if this means removing tax exemptions from non-profits so be it.
Via Pandagon and Norbizness.