Search Results for : newrq

Perspective on Fallujah

Jane Galt puts the terrible event in Fallujah in a proper perspective here and then here:

What happened in Fallujah is horrifying, and cries out for justice. But it cries out for justice precisely because that mob in Fallujah was composed of people, just like us, who should be expected not to do evil things, but do anyway sometimes, because that is the human condition. And it is horrifying in part because if America were invaded (even by a relatively benevolent occupier), it is more likely than not that we would see hungry, frightened mobs doing much the same thing.

Just go read both posts!

California Governing

It is too early to tell how the second approach will play out but it is pretty clear that the first failed:
1) Gray Davis:

�In golf, they teach you to hit one shot — and you don’t think about anything but that shot. And then you go to the next shot, and hit that shot�My natural reaction is caution. I take life a step at a time.�

2) Arnold Schwarzegger:

Everything falls into place if you look at the overall picture. If you just piecemeal it, you just look at one at a time really close and you don�t look at the other things, with blinders on, that�s when you start making mistakes and start scrambling. And you don�t want to scramble.�

I certainly prefer the latter approach.
Via Daniel Weintraub.

A Blog of Blogs

Well, really, an aggregator. I don’t know whether I’ll ever use Kinja as I’m quite happy with Bloglines and my blog rolls but I’m probably not in the first cohort of the target audience.
Some folks might find Kinja valuable:

Kinja is an RSS reader for people who don’t know what RSS is, who don’t know what a reader is, for that matter, or don’t care. A Kinja digest looks much like a weblog, with excerpts arranged in reverse chronological order.

Kinja is getting a fair amount of publicity including a NYT article and lots of linkage. It will be interesting to watch and see how this service evolves and how it impacts blog world.
Oh, and you might want to read their terms of service which apparently has a lot in common with Yahoo’s.
Via The Gothamist.