Search Results for : newrq

Images, Images and More Images

The Presurfer, a great place for the new and the odd, suggests the Devilfinder Image Browser.
Enter a word, name, or whatever describes the image you are looking for, tell it how many images you want and it opens a new window with images gleaned from the net.
If you are at work I strongly suggest turning on the Offensive Content Filter. Trust me, even seemingly innocent searches may show some very unexpected and disturbing results. And, no, I won’t tell you what three letter word I used that I wish I’d turned the filter on for.
I did, though, try Aquaman and got a bunch of cool pictures and was a bit surprised that none of them were from Tegan who is a consummate Aquaman fan.

Truth in Labeling

How often do you read the labels on your clothes? You might want to make it a habit so that you do not miss something like this:
Update (11/10/04): Sadley, No! via Memosyne reports that this label is from products manufactured by Tom Bihn.
The label photo was sent to me by my son who was traveling in South America at the time.

Protecting the People

Here is yet another example of why we should kick all the drug warriors off the dole and send them out to get real jobs:
Landscape contractor Blair Davis was in his northwest Harris County home around 2 p.m. Tuesday when there was a knock at his door.
Davis said he hadn’t even gotten his hand on the doorknob when it flew open and he was looking at the barrel of a pistol.
Behind the gun were about 10 members of the Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force, who burst into the home, guns drawn, and began shouting at him to get down on the floor.
There on the floor, Davis said, it took a while to figure out that what had caused the swarm of lawmen to descend upon him was the hibiscus in his front yard.

Let’s put an end to domestic terrorism now!
Via Zombyboy and Jeff Trigg.
Photo: Meg Loucks/ Houston Chronicle