Daily Archives: August 14, 2003

Court Web Sites

Via beSpacific:

The 2003 winners of the JUSTICE SERVED� Top 10 Court Website Awards are here! The total number of court websites worldwide has grown substantially in the past year. We looked at more than 900 sites this year to choose these well-deserved winners.

Go check’m out. See what services your friends, relatives and lawyers might get if you do wrong.

Check the Facts

Eugene Volokh gives us this model of blogger fact checking:

1. Blog reader alerts blogger to possible problem.
2. Blogger posts about it, with some tentative speculation.
3. Another blog reader checks the facts (I hadn’t known that there was an audio of Justice Moore’s remarks available, but the reader did know) and lets blogger know.
4. Blogger rechecks the facts to satisfy himself (and preserve his own credibility, since he’s about to say something pretty definitive).
5. Blogger posts the proof of the error.
And all this happened within a couple of hours, starting only hours after the story was posted. Of course, it would be better still if this were followed by (6) the media outlet corrects the error (prompted partly by the blogger’s e-mail). We’ll see whether that happens, though I’m not holding my breath . . . .

I think we will see number 6 but that it will be an evolutionary process. What may happen sooner is that ‘big media’ will improve their own fact checking to save regular embarrassment.

View from the bush

Yep, I feel better now that bush has kind of told us all will be well:

“We’re upbeat about the chances for our fellow citizens who are looking for work to be able to find a job,” Bush said. “I firmly believe that what we have done was the absolute right course of action in order to help people find a job.”

I’m not so sure the folks who held those 2.6 million jobs that have evaporated feel the same. Maybe, though, they can move to India.