Daily Archives: September 5, 2003

Late Night Reading

The Invisible Adjunct reviews Kipnis, Against Love, and finds her “firmly on the side of the labor and managerial practices of corporate America”.
Fox’s fair and balanced coverage of the California gubernatorial debate presented by Body and Soul.
Digby has a lot of good stuff over the last couple days, but doesn’t he always. Since the EPA whitewash and the Saudi-bin Laden evacuation flight should not be swept under the table go read this post first.
Good Night!

What’s Your Ranking?

We are used to hearing about the richest person in the world or the 50 richest in the US. We are not used to seeing where we fit in on a worldwide basis.
You can now get a pretty interesting perspective on this at the Global Rich List. You should probably use your household income divided by the number of folks in your household since they use total world population to calculate where you fit in.
Let’s say you are a relatively new school teacher, married, single income, no children making about $32,000/year you will find out that your per capita income of $16,000 puts you in the top 10% on a world wide basis.
Yea, I know that the standard of living can dramatically affect the utility of your income but it is still pretty sobering.
Via The Fifty Minute Hour.

The Next Revision

Well, I just needed to read for a bit more and one answer to the last post’s question pops right up. Per US Arms Control Chief John Bolton:

The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was justified in part because Saddam Hussein retained scientists capable of building nuclear weapons, Washington’s top arms control official said Thursday.

Atrios interprets it this way:

Now, it appears that the real danger wasn’t that Iraq had WMDs or that they had WMD programs it’s that the sought to have WMD programs.

Bolton presented this revision yesterday. I presume the administration wants to see how this flies before determining how much emphasis to put on this in the Sunday speach.
This may also mean that the expected Kay report looks weak even to the bushies.

Someone Will Pay the Price

Pessimist does not think bush has been doing too well and believes that the US will pay dearly:

George W. Bush has been suckered in the most complete way one can be suckered, and we the American People are going to pay for his stupidity – and pay dearly.

Read the whole article. There is a lot of very interesting stuff about what other countries are doing about oil while bush screws around in Iraq and Afghanistan all the while waving a finger at the rest of the world. You should be worried.
Oh, and be happy with the $2/gallon gas prices. They might look real good not far down the timeline.