Search Results for : newrq

Another Political Quiz

Now here is a real quiz! Sure it is multiple choice but as Froz Gobo says:

The multiple-choice answers are very detailed and differ very subtly, so much so that for only 2 out of 10 was the selection easy. I suggest taking it primarily because of the exercise of debating those last 2 possible answers to each question. I wish the test could be conducted rating the 4 possibilties from “most like your opinion” to “least like your opinion.”

Plan on spending 5-10 minutes to find out whether you are a neocon, liberal, realist or isolationist.
It rated me liberal which is not how I describe myself.

A Lump of Cheese

Thanks for Helena Montana at Demogogue for the pointer to this Nature article that explains that it is the sun not the moon that is cheesy:

“If strings of magnetic field get tangled around each other, the Sun becomes like a spinning lump of molten mozzarella,” explains Tom McLeish of the University of Leeds, UK.


Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU’s Program on Technology and Liberty, summed up CAPPs II thusly:

CAPPS II would for the first time put the government in the business of conducting regular background checks on everyday citizens. Not only would the government conduct searches and evaluations of individuals’ past history and records, but it would generate a “risk score” for each person. The social and political consequences of this new role for government are far-reaching and truly frightening.

Read the transcript of the Washington Post online forum he participated in here.
Via beSpacific.