Daily Archives: September 12, 2003

Read Your Contract

I’ll bet this is in really small print in the contract they sign:

Murwin, like thousands of other military personnel hospitalized every year, is expected to reimburse the government $8.10 per day for food. That’s standard procedure because of a law Congress passed in 1981. But it has angered many military families over the years.

This should really help recruiting once it reaches the status of full disclosure.
On the other hand, it’s a bargain compared to what a civilian would pay in a public hospital.
Via Steve Verdon.

Really, It is Stealing

Modulator has briefly commented on this in June but the Bitch has Words takes apart all the arguments supporting illegal file sharing that I’ve come across.
First, though, she admits to being a thief:

I committed the first four transgressions many moons ago, when I was a wee pup. I committed the final one, music downloading, last December, as I compiled a set of songs for a friend.

Now, her telling us this doesn’t give her arguments any greater moral weight and it doesn’t need to as they are good enough on their own. A sample:


Don’t Tread on Us

I don’t usually borrow whole posts but this from Doug Allen at Catallarchy aptly describes one aspect of the bizarre and misguided priorities that citizens of the US have built up around themselves over the last 200+ years:

Somewhere, violent criminals are still at large. Somewhere, a shady character is plotting terrorist activities. Somewhere, a drunken teen is getting behind the wheel of a car. Somewhere, a man is beating his wife.
But law enforcement resources are being used to charge Tommy Chong, fine him, and send him to a prison filled with dangerous whackos for nine months for selling bongs over the Internet.

When people exchange goods on mutually agreeable terms leave them alone.

RIP Johnny Cash

Man in Black
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black,
Why you never see bright colors on my back,
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone.
Well, there’s a reason for the things that I have on.
I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,
Livin’ in the hopeless, hungry side of town,
I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,
But is there because he’s a victim of the times.
