Search Results for : newrq

Keep Limbaugh?

Clark and Sharpton are calling for ESPN to fire Limbaugh but Kevin Drum has a better idea:

See, the fact is that Limbaugh and his fellow blabbers say this kind of stuff all the time. But they only say it on the radio, and only dittoheads are listening, and the mainstream media doesn’t report it because, you know, it’s just radio, and it’s just Rush, and that stuff gets a free pass. So most Americans don’t actually know what Rush and his pals are like.
So I say, keep him on the air. Let America see what Rush and his fellow right wing bigots are really like. Maybe it will open their eyes.

On the other hand, I wonder what the demographics are for this ESPN show.

California Meaning

The folks at Language Removal Services have created a great public good:

As a part of our public outreach programs, Language Removal Services has here created the first “language-free” political debate. It is our hope that this will allow you to better understand the true positions of the candidates. Below, we present language removals of the leading candidates to replace Davis.

At a minimum listen to Huffington and one of the others. She is amazingly free of content.
Via NPR while navigating the local commute.

Reading Away Messages

The Shifted Librarian asks librarians:

Does your library understand the growing significance of instant messaging and real-time chat?

How many of you bloggers or blog readers are using some form of IM today?