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If you have been watching the Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe on PBS and just won’t be able to sleep until you really undertand open and closed strings, membranes, the 11 dimensions of the universe and gravitrons review the material at the Elegant Universe site then head over to Uncertain Principles where Chad Orzel has some cool links for you.

Senate Approves $87.5 Billion 4-1

Read all of this Newday opinion piece:

What is the same in the Guantanamo cases, and those of Hamdi and Padilla, is the president’s insistence that he alone has the authority to decide who should be locked up and when, if ever, they will be released.
It’s not supposed to work that way in the land of the free.

No, it should not work that way in the land of the free.
Via Talkleft.

Protect your Data

Teresa Nielsen Hayden’s hard drive failed which is not something to wish on anyone.
However, there are benefits for the rest of us: the comment threads to these two posts which provide lot’s of good information on data recovery and backups.

Iraq Troop Count

Do you visualize the 133,000 troops in Iraq as mostly combat soldiers? Think again. According to this piece from today’s New York Times the number is much lower:

Such is the arithmetic of an ultra-modern army. The support echelon is so large that out of the 133,000 American men and women in Iraq, no more than 56,000 are combat-trained troops available for security duties…..And even the finest soldiers must sleep and eat. Thus the number of troops on patrol at any one time is no more than 28,000 � to oversee frontiers terrorists are trying to cross, to patrol rural terrain including vast oil fields, to control inter-city roads, and to protect American and coalition facilities.

No wonder the troops are having problems.