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The rest of Today

There may not be any more blogging here today.
Power has been out in our neighborhood since 6:15 AM and we have no positive indication as to when it will be back.
Reading by candle light will be fine but I haven’t figured out how to use those particular photons to reach the internet.
For your reading pleasure check out the recently updated folks at the top of the blogrolls in modulator’s right and left sidebars.

XMAS Gift Suggestions for the Infamous

From Betty Bowers. They are good for a few chuckles but some of you may not find all of them humorous.

Do you have someone on your list who claims, with no apparent acquiescence to plausibility, that women routinely enter his hotel rooms without summons or discussion and spontaneously have sex with his irresistible 48-year-old body, leaving him without any charge or clue as to what has occurred?
For Neil Bush: A laminated “Do Not Disturb” sign for your hotel door, dear.

Via Atrios.

Reason’s List

Yea, I know this is the 3rd list in a row. It’s just the way the day has been going.
Reason Magazine pays tribute:

…to some of the people who have made the world a freer, better, and more libertarian place by example, invention, or action. The one criterion: Honorees needed to have been alive at some point during reason�s run, which began in May 1968. The list is by design eclectic, irreverent, and woefully incomplete, but it limns the many ways in which the world has only gotten groovier and groovier during the last 35 years.

I found this one most entertaining:

John Ashcroft. If Donny and Marie Osmond were a little bit country and a little bit rock �n� roll, the current attorney general is little bit J. Edgar Hoover and a little bit Janet Reno. Whether it�s prosecuting medical marijuana users, devoting scarce resources to arresting adult porn distributors, or using tax dollars to create USA PATRIOT Act propaganda Web sites, Ashcroft has managed to create an unprecedented coalition of conservatives, liberals, and libertarians around a single noble cause: the protection of civil liberties.

Via AnarCapLib.

25 Bad Albums

Just to balance the last post here is a list of 25 albums that should not have been released.
Oh, and the number 1 album is:

1. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band Soundtrack (1978)
(Note: This is NOT the Beatles album. This is the ‘soundtrack’ to the film based on the album. The Beatles, in no way, shape, or form appear on this album. So, relax, okay!)
Jesus . . . H . . . Christ. Where does one begin? Could it be Barry Gibb’s testicle crunching voice? Could it be the fact that Peter Frampton was asked to play a lead role? Could it be that Steve Martin sang a version of “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”? Could it be that George Burns moaned and groaned his way through a version of “Fixing a Hole?”
It could be any one of those! And more!!!

Scott has some commentary on the selections.

Top 500 Albums

Alex at A List a Day tells us that Rolling Stone has put their list of the top 500 albums of all time on line.
The number one pick: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. RS opens their discussion with:

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is the most important rock & roll album ever made, an unsurpassed adventure in concept, sound, songwriting, cover art and studio technology by the greatest rock & roll group of all time.

Folks who were not present when this album hit the airwaves may disagree but I won’t argue the choice. There is plenty to nitpick among the next 499.
Slightly changing the subject, this list speaks to recorded work which is something different then what a band presents in live performance (aside from the lip synchers).
