Daily Archives: January 3, 2004

Customer Service

I try to avoid McDonalds and the other fast food folks. Michael Jennings, though, has found a good reason to return to McDonalds:

But I was quite amused by this outcome. McDonald’s really do encourage their employees to provide the best possible service to customers. They really want to make a good impression so that customers return. This will increase their profits, oddly enough. In this instance an employee was so determined to provide me with good service that she found a way within the company’s rules to give me my food, even though it was my fault that I did not have enough money with me, and although the rules didn’t initially appear to allow it, and even though I wasn’t even remotely upset, it being my fault after all. I was impressed.

I’ve always had pretty good service at the fast foods but this is clearly exemplary.
Maybe it is just a British thing…anyone have similar stories from the US?

December Top Referrers

On the right side bar is the updated roll of Modulator’s 21 top referrers (there was a tie). Numbers 20 & 21 produced 9 referrals in the month of December. Statistics are culled from AWStats running on Modulator’s server at Hosting Matters.
There was less churn in December as 6 blogs dropped off and 6 new ones have been added.
Thank you one and all!
Also, I’d like to acknowledge significant referrals from some of the blogosphere’s ‘service’ sites: Technorati, weblogs.com, blogrolling.com, MovableType, Blogdex, blogoshpere.us, Sitemeter, NZ Bear’s Ecosystem, Bloogz and Daypop.
All of the blog rolls except the Base Roll are ordered by most recently updated so be sure to ping weblogs.com or blogrolling.com to push to the top of the rolls. These are certainly the sites I tend to look at first and visitors will see you at the top of the roll as well.
For a brief discussion of Modulator’s blog rolls look here.