Daily Archives: February 13, 2004

A Free People?

Well, at least their government thinks so:

Today The P.P.R.K. is a genuine worker’s state where all the people are completely liberated from the exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the real owners of the power and defend their interests.

Ok, at least some folks in North Korea buy into this and other interesting versions of reality sprinkled throughout the site. Learn history, political science, buy tourist gifts and more while visiting.
If you enter this site from the front instead of linking to an internal page you will get an introduction to the Great Leader.
Via Alex Tabarrok at Marginal Revolution.

A Picture is worth….

I suspect that w’s handler’s simply told him to pose with the man that

Investigators say… is the North American chief of Islamic Palestinian Jihad and that the Holy Land Foundation is a front for Hamas.

Well, the above picture was taken in early 2000 and Al-Arian hadn’t been indicted yet. But he also had not contributed any money to bush…so why were Mr and Mrs w all smiles here?

Saffuri dissolved NMBA in May 1998. Since leaving the AMC, he has severed public ties with his former friends and colleagues, joining forces instead with conservative activist Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.
Together with Norquist, he established the Islamic Institute in 1998 with seed money provided in part by donors in Saudi Arabia and by the Government of Qatar.
During the 2000 election campaign, Saffuri became the head of Muslim Outreach for the Bush-Cheney campaign, and orchestrated a meeting between Governor George W. Bush and Al-Arian during a campaign stopover in south Florida.

Anything for a vote…..
Via Joe Fish.