College Lessons 6 comments

Dean Esmay does not like college: at least the one he is at and the courses he is taking. He says:

It appears to me that the only thing I’ve learned in college is how to sit down, shut up, and jump through hoops without much complaint. Which is, perhaps, the real purpose of undergraduate education today.

Yea, it is too bad he had to go to college to learn the standard lessons of elementary school.
The comment thread to Dean’s post has some interesting reading.
Via Outside the Beltway.

6 thoughts on “College Lessons

  • Dean Esmay

    Steve: Heh. You appear to have missed my sarcasm, Steve. That’s my entire point: other than the same lessons we learned in High School, I’ve managed to learn nothing in school.
    Funny thing? I’ve talked to people from prestigious universities all over the country who say exactly the same thing about their undergrad experience.
    Mithras: Ah, no Mithras, but you don’t actually read my blog so how would you know? You might want to get yourself a life some time, buddy.

  • Dean's World

    More On Academia

    Among the responses to my piece on the valueless nature of an undergrad college “education” yesterday (in which I made notable exception for certain types…

  • Steve

    Well Dean, I didn’t entirely miss your sarcasm and I actually agree with much of what you say about needed enhancements to the education system. However, what I quoted above does seem to encompass your experience.
    I’ll say more over at your place as time permits today. Work meetings most of the day and laptop power is not readily available during one of them.

  • Courtney Gidts

    I’ve managed to save up roughly $60170 in my bank account, but I’m not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?

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