Search Results for : newrq

guardsman bush

The discussion of bush’s military record seemed to die away rather abruptly some weeks ago. It is good to know, though, that not everyone has bought into the idea that the complete record is now before the public.
Check out this article:

Some military researchers and a former Texas Guard lieutenant colonel believe the stringent regulations — known as the Human Reliability Program — may have been invoked to stop Bush from flying Texas Air National Guard jets in 1972.

Yes, this is speculative stuff as the record still seems to be incomplete.
As Rick says:

I have all these documents and more, copies of every set of orders I ever received, academic reports for every course I attended. Now, maybe that’s just me; I kept a copy of everything. But, when I ordered an updated copy of my Fische, it was all there.
Can we just access his MicroFische?

Via Orcinus.

American Taliban

Is in action:

The FCC is seeking the maximum $27,500 for each of the alleged violations, or $247,500 in all, from a March 13, 2003, broadcast that included a graphic discussion about pornographic film star Ron Jeremy. Portions of the conversation were rebroadcast eight times in promotional spots for the show.

I’d change the station if this schlock came on and would not have Elliot in the Morning on in the first place. However, for those who want to tune in I can think of no justification for saying no.

Talking Freely

Ron Paul has a few thoughts on our esteemed congess’ efforts to make us be good via the �Broadcast Indecency Act of 2004�

This atrocious piece of legislation should be defeated. It cannot improve the moral behavior of U.S. citizens, but it can do irreparable harm to our cherished right to freedom of speech.
This attempt at regulating and punishing indecent and sexually provocative language suggests a comparison to the Wahhabi religious police of Saudi Arabia, who control the �Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.� Though both may be motivated by the good intentions of improving moral behavior, using government force to do so is fraught with great danger and has no chance of success.

He follows this by hammering both the left and the right for past and present support for violations of our free speech.
Hey, he may be a republican but he has this one right.
Via Freespace.

Reading e-books

Tegan read the e-book version of Gaiman’s Coraline last night. She provides a brief review

So this one gets a strong recommendation from me along with a warning to adults to not read it at night.

Probably the 9-12 year olds that Coraline is targeted at should not read it at night either.
I read this a few months ago, enjoyed it and, like Tegan, found it creepy but without the creepiness it would not have been near as fun to read.
Tegan also has some thoughts on e-books

Another downside is the mere act of reading on a computer screen. While I can handle it now, I’m sure my eyes won’t let me in a few years.

Which is why I haven’t read any e-books yet. I still find myself printing longer material to read the old fashioned way.