Daily Archives: April 5, 2004

Why Iraq?

Christopher Hitchens says he asks all opponents of the Iraq invasion this question (among others) and claims it never gets answered:

Do you believe that a confrontation with Saddam Hussein’s regime was inevitable or not?

Tim Dunlop fixes this for Hitchens by answering this question (and the others):

Hitchens himself mentions in the article the long-term interest in regime change shown by people like Paul Wolfowitz (dating from the 1980s), and we know that such a policy was a high, if infrequently mentioned, priority of the incoming Bush administration, so I’d say that a confrontation with Iraq was inevitable once the Bush administration came to power.

And, not knowing that they were responding to Hitchens question I ran across two other folks in the same reading session that also have answers. First, John Scalzi who supported the war:

Indeed, I submit that had 9/11 never happened, we’d still have had tanks trundling through Baghdad one way or another — because Dubya would have found a way to make it happen. It was personal. Saddam was dead meat as soon as the Supreme Court gave Dubya the keys to the White House.”

And second, Jaquandor, who riffed off Scalzi’s post:

A friend of mine who is considerably more liberal than I (!) remarked to me when Bush was sworn in, “How long before we’re at war with Iraq again?” I confess that my answer was, “Probably not that long, I imagine.”

Jaquandor then points to the main reason the bushies are in so much trouble now. I paraphrase: 1) within the administration there was a common goal of invading Iraq but different factions had different reasons and 2) the reasons the administration gave to the people were not their real reasons (plus the reasons given were apparently not quite based on fact). The world we live in does not like dissonance between idea and action and will resolve it with often unpleasant results for the perpetrators.

Afternoon Relief

This seems like Friday material but what the heck. Most of the day is already down the toilet so head over and check out Toilets of the World.
If your favorite is missing just send the host a round trip ticket and he’ll go photograph it. And he helps you out with Toiletological Linguistics or Where’s the toilet? in 70 languages.
Via Metafilter where one of the commenters reminds us of this jewel from 2003: The Top Ten Urinals.

Costco’s Bookshelf

While at Costco this morning I noted down the names of the politically oriented volumes on the book table. Here is the list starting from the high visibility end:

Hannity…..Deliver Us From Evil
Clark………Against All Enemies
Hughes……Ten Minutes From Normal
Leamer……Sons of Camelot
Stossel…….Give Me A Break
Franken……Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Lewis… …..Buying of the President 2004
Charon……Useful Idiots
Hannity…..Let Freedom Ring

I don’t know as there is much to make of this beyond this is what they are selling and the prices are good. Perhaps I’ll do this again in a month or so and with more data we might have more fun.

bush Policys Create Job Growth

Washington DC has averaged 0.8% job growth per year while w has been in office. Which might show that deficits have been good for the bureaucracy.
Ok, sure this is not fair. Even in DC bush has not done as well as reagan and clinton who scored 4.1% and 2.4% annual job growth in DC. And it paints a distorted picture as it turns out that so far 63 of the top 100 labor markets have shown job loss during bush’s first 3 years or, full the half full crowd, 37 of the top 100 have shown job growth.
Read a more thorough comparison at American City Business Journals.
Via Suburban Guerilla.