Daily Archives: June 1, 2004

May’s Top Referrers

On the right side bar is the updated roll of Modulator’s 23 top referrers. Number 23 produced 8 referrals compared to 11 for number 20 in Overall traffic was up about 11.5% from April. Statistics are culled from AWStats running on Modulator’s server at Hosting Matters.
April churn: 5 blogs dropped and 8 new ones added compared to 6 and 5 in April. There was a 5 way tie for 19th.
Thank you one and all!
Also, I’d like to acknowledge significant referrals from some of the blogosphere’s ‘service’ sites: Technorati, weblogs.com, blogrolling.com, MovableType, Blogdex, Bloglines, blogoshpere.us, Sitemeter, NZ Bear’s Ecosystem, Bloogz and Daypop.
April also had a significant increase in the number of pron sites showing up in the referrer logs. Yeccch.
All of the blog rolls except the Base Roll are ordered by most recently updated so be sure to ping weblogs.com or blogrolling.com to push to the top of the rolls. These are certainly the sites I tend to look at first and visitors will see you at the top of the roll as well.
For a brief discussion of Modulator’s blog rolls look here.

bush’s flip flops

The Center for American Progress is keeping track of bushflops and I think this is a fine public service.
It will be a better one if they do not resort to bushian distortions. For instance, number 2 on their list today is Iraq Funding:

2. Iraq Funding
BUSH SPOKESMAN DENIES NEED FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE REST OF 2004…”We don’t anticipate requesting anything additional for [Iraq for] the balance of this year.” [White House Budget Director Joshua Bolten, 7/29/03]
�BUSH REQUESTS ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR IRAQ FOR 2004 �I am requesting that Congress establish a $25 billion contingency reserve fund for the coming fiscal year to meet all commitments to our troops.� [President Bush, Statement by President, 5/5/04]
Seems like a flip flop until you look closely.
Bolton is talking about either calendar or fiscal year 2003 and when asked about 2004 said that he did not know what the requirements would be. The bush request quoted above is for fiscal year 2005 which begins October 2004.
There are many good examples of bush flops and no need to use faulty ones.
Via Tim Dunlop.