Via Steven Taylor we learn that Rush’s weblog is consistent with the rest of his act.
Apparently his researchers and web builders steal material from others and use it without attribution. The most recent example and an earlier one is noted at Jessica’s Well. Taylor also is a victem.
Kevin Alyward has some action items to which I’d like to add: 1) write a letter to your local paper and 2) call/email other talk shows to discuss Rush’s dishonesty.
I suspect some of his listeners might finally realize that he’s not such a good roll model and quit listening.
Update: See Steven Taylor’s comment below. He point’s out that nothing was taken from his site so my classification of him as a victem is not correct.
No, not a victim. My anecdote was about research sloppiness vis-a-vis the web by his web staff and the fact that I had provided information about a web-based story that he had aired and had been posted on his site that would have clarified and corrected some information he thought he had.
But, no, nothing was taken from my site.
I suspect some of his listeners might finally realize that he’s not such a good roll model and quit listening.
I wish. But short of us finding out that Rush is a law braking drug addict… Oh, wait a second…
Don’t count me as a victim either. I’d love some extra blog traffic out of this (we’ll see if it happens)…but the exposure of that Life Magazine article to his millions of listeners is more than enough payment.