Extending the Drug War 3 comments

Perhaps the bushies* are also working on an obediance drug:

Alongside efforts to reduce the supply and demand of illegal drugs, the federal government has begun pursuing a new tactic, one that expands the drug war battlefield from the Columbian coca farms and the Middle Eastern poppy fields, to a new terrain directly inside the bodies and brains of drug users.
As Radley Balko says, this report from the the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics is frightening.
*Yea, I know I can’t blame just the bushies as this fiasco has been going on for a long time. The bushies are, though, the ones currently violating people’s rights and wasting resources.

3 thoughts on “Extending the Drug War

  • zombyboy

    As an unrepentant bushie, I admit that you’re right–it’s my guys who are doing this right now, and I wish they would stop, too. The monetary savings alone would be monumental.
    And, of course, then there’s the idea that I could legally enjoy a line or two every now and again…

  • rick pietz

    You know, I guess I’ve always liked the idea of being a happy ‘gamma’ in a Huxley(an) future.
    Geez, this stuff, coupled w/ so much else, is going to seriously amplify the potential for anyone involved in the decision making to achieve power beyond…

  • Steve

    The sad thing is that come next January I expect to be bashing the new administration on this issue be it bushies or kerries.

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