Daily Archives: September 4, 2004

A New Civil Right

Jessa Crispin apparently has been reading the Republican platform (94 pages). To be honest I haven’t read a party platform in years and, while I suspect that there is a tremendous amount of bloggable material in each parties platform, I don’t plan to start now. In a nutshell, they are laundry lists of things the federal government shouldn’t be involved in at all.
However, I agree with both Jessa and Jaquandor that this item from page 56 is strangely put:

Our Party believes, as does the President, that reading is the new civil right.
The new civil right? Puzzling to say the least.
Now the goal they set in the next sentence seems reasonable on the surface:
Every child must be able to read by the end of the third grade.
But I am sure that there are some children who, though capable of reading, just will not progress that fast.

Using Coral to Link Large Files

Keywords has created a handy tool for those of you that might want to link large files:

I’ve created a handy bookmarklet you can use to instantly get the Coral version of a link. This should allow even the smallest of web content publishers to post large movies, graphics, etc. and not worry about their webserver going down due to excessive traffic.
Read the rest and get the bookmarklet at Keywords.