Cats, Dogs, Spiders and ? every Friday.
I’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals as I see them (photoshops at my discretion and humans only in supporting roles).
Leave a comment or trackback to this post or email me and I’ll add yours to the list. Check back regularly for updates throughout the day on Fridays and somewhat less frequently over the weekend.
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and will be hosted this week by
And, check out Laurence’s fine graphical analysis of Friday Ark boardings.
Archive editions of the Friday Ark.
- Melange: Mr. Rhett – Old Blue Eyes
- Blog d’Elisson: Ho-Bag ‘Ta, Travel Essentials and Now I Know
- Watermark: Friday Cats, on Thursday
- Steeph’s Blog: Ismael
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Sargent Mango Goldstein and Cotton
- Middle Fork: Sabaki
- Bibi’s box: Morris and More
- Poetic Leanings: Life is Good
- Sisu: Preprandrial Exercises
- pages turned: Was I sleeping, …
- No Fancy Name: Deucewatching the squirrel
- Prophet or Madman: Otis and Milo
- Stone Court: Friday Cat Blogging
- Sisu: Spring Training
- This Blog is Full of Crap: Nardo “EEET MORR FISSH!”
- Lab Kat: Coby’s butt-warmer
- Hepcat.daily: Coziness
- Why Now?: Feeding Frenzy
- Striving for Average: Dogs and Cats
- The Oubliette: Maleficent and Tux
- Slyblog: Bad Kitty Blogging Friday
- cat-o-bloggo: Real Pet with Neopet and Hopper’s Law #8
- Casey Blog: Kitty Contender
- Computers, Society, and Nature: Friday Cat Blogging
- The Conservative Cat: Catblogging – Triple Threat
- Ded Space: Friday Cat Blogging
- Elms in the Yard: The Lady in Red
- feministe: P-Lo Plays Roadkill
- Smijer: Friday Animal Fun
- Ali Thinks: Black Panther
- Maggie’s Meanderings: Shadow
- Cathouse Chat: Kittipurrs All Over
- The Hair Ball: Taking a bath
- The Invisible Library: April Shenanigans
- Josh’s Weblog: Atticus
- Lawyers, Guns and Money: Katya
- Mike: Cat Blog Friday
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday: Packing
- Fiat Lux: Gimi, happy birthday!
- CathColl: Emily Frost
- This Blog is Full of Crap: The chopped carp may not count but the cat does!
- Aptenobytes: Merlin
- Eschaton: Friday Cat Blogging
- Word Whammy: Roxie, the watch cat
- By the way…: Lorax added 4/2
- Rhetoric and Democracy: Friday Cat Blogging added 4/2
- Running Scared: Pepe added 4/2
- Say that again?!: Cat Blogging added 4/2
- Scribblings: Feline Friday added 4/2
- Singing Loudly: Friday Night Cat Blogging added 4/2
- Stingball: Too Cute added 4/2
- Su ap led Wo d: Gusto, Ornette, O’Malley and Isabella added 4/2
- Real Art: Phil and Paz added 4/2
- Mind of Mog: Kittycats added 4/2
- The People’s Republic of Seabrook: You didn’t actually plan on driving this, did you?? added 4/2
- the unstoppable girlie~dervish: Off with the horns, … added 4/2
- Top of My Head: In Memory added 4/2
- Trish Wilson: Friday Cat Blogging added 4/2
- Upper Left: Au
drey Hepcat added 4/2 - The Irish Trojan’s Blog: Butter and Hugh Manatee added 4/2
- american waste: Friday Cat Blogging added 4/2
- Austin Country Limits: Friday Cat Blogging added 4/2
- Basic Juice: Bussi, Reggie, and Lyle added 4/2
- Blog: Derek Rose: friday catblogging – cuddily kitties added 4/2
- Blogging Cat: Muddy added 4/2
- Progressive Protestant: Tomato and Nermal added 4/2
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Xander added 4/2
- No Capital: Charleston added 4/2
- enrevanche: Mr. Gato added 4/2
- Desert Rat Democrat: Widget added 4/3
- CathColl: Carnival of the Cats # 54added 4/3
- Science and Sensibility: Sea Squirt: A Distant Relative
- afarensis: Friday Spider Blogging
- Thoughts from Kansas: Limpet
- The Loom: Love Darts
- Manic Viking: Love Them Butterflies
- Tbogg: Beckham
- epigraph: Queenie
- Doug Petch.Com: Buddy
- Collective Sigh: Friday Bandit Blog
- Athenamama: Happiness…
- Striving for Average: Dogs and Cats
- Cybervassals: eye…of Jumping Jupiter Jones
- Dohiyi Mir: Emergency Dog Blogging
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog – Coexistence
- King of Fools: Tansy, Dog Gone
- Mickey’s Musings: Carnival of the Dogs
- Modern Pooch: Kira
- Yowling From the Fencepost: Yoshi, Barking at the Fencepost
- By the way…: Paul Helzel’s Photos added 4/2
- Basic Juice: Bussi, Reggie, and Lyle added 4/2
- a frustrated artist: Blodeuwedd Sleeps added 4/2
- Meditation Matters: Wednesday Life Form Blogging
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: House Finch and Kinglet, reprise
- Dharma Bums: Band-tailed pigeons (Columba fasciata)
- Living the Scientific Life: Birds in the News #5
- Henry’s Webiocosm Blog: Friday Duck Blogging
- South Knox Bubba: Mockingbird added 4/2
- Bird Treatment and Learning Center: Lead Bottom, Bald Eagle: R.I.P. added 4/2
- 10,000 Birds: Seattle Trip Report: Part 1 and Part 2 added 4/2
- Athenamama: Charlotte, turtle
- Bibi’s box: Scary Squirrel World
- Publius & Co.: Guinea Pig Blogging: Harley and Pig Teddy
- afarensis: Friday Killer Whale Blogging
- Sisu: Why a Camel?
- Fake Handbags v3.0: Oolong, it’s not just for tea anymore.
- First Draft: Friday Ferret Blogging
- Duck Pond: Horses – Coexistence
- Hoarded Ordinaries: Got Milk?
- Mischievous Ramblings: Friday Sugar Glider Blogging
- The Oubliette: A little Friday Catblogging
- milkriverblog: Lola the Kinkajou, R.I.P.
- Cascade Exposures: Salamander
- Sunidesus Sees: All together now… and Bunny Cam added 4/2
- Bob Harris: Friday pudublogging added 4/2
- (Everyone Loves: Hedgical Trevor added 4/2
- afarensis: Thallasemic Zebra Fish
- Pharyngula: Old Lady Spider Linyphiidae, over 4000 species spinning today!
- Syaffolee: Bacteroides fragilis…we can’t live without them
- green gabbro: Friday Rock Blogging: Hypertufa
An invertebrate (just) – a sea squirt:
Morris, cat comics and more cat stuff
Happy Friday cat Blogging! This week there are some interesting, funny and cute links. And because today is April Fool’s Day let’s start with something fun: The Mows – Daily Cat Cartoons. I know that some people love cats but are allergic to them, what…
friday dog blogging
This is Queenie. I met her at the Continental Cigar Shop on Murray Avenue. She keeps Ivan company during the day, responds vehemently to anyone running past the store front or venturing near her food bowl, but is otherwise a big pile of “rub my bel…
Scary squirrel world
Happy Friday Ark! I know that I posted about squirrels this week, but these cute creatures don’t use clothes: scary squirrel world – squirrel photos, pictures, pics, facts, games… squirrels. Anyway, they are so cute that I can talk about them almost…
Scary Squirrel
Preprandial exercizes
Just before dawn Baby runs across the room, leaps into the air and lands on the couch back, claws extended, announcing his readiness for action.In the moments before breakfast, the animals are restless. He moves down onto the couch
Thespian cats
Thespian cats practice a scene. . .
Primary Guinea Pig Harley and Emergency Back-Up Guinea Pig Teddy:
Blog Your Dog
Today we feature a decidely un-kangaroo-like Buddy, demonstrating a rather unusual talent for a Greyhound And as always be sure to check out Buddy and…
I have three posts that might qualify. The first is on Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders. The second post is on Thalassemic Zebra fish. The third post is on Killer Whales.
deuce owns the laundry
Deuce always wants to be exactly where I need to be. I guess that’s love, and I’m cool with that. But yesterday she wanted to be on my folded laundry as I was piling it up.
who needs TV?
Deuce, watching the squirrel watch her.
Friday Pet Blogging | The Bums!
When I took this picture, Milo & Otis had only been in the house for a week or so, but they had already established the core of their daily routine…
Friday Cat Blogging
You ate every single one of the Reese’s and left me with kisses? (UPDATE: More animals at Friday Ark.)
Firday Bandit Blog
Ain’t he sweet?
You know what they make gefilte fish out of, right?
Nardo says: “EEET MORR FISSH!” (But hold the horseradish) Just a reminder that Sunday is Carnival of the Carp. Get your carpy posts for the weeks over to carp (at) and you’ll be included in this week’s roundup. And…
Happiness is a puppy with his chew-bone….
Meet Charlotte
I found Charlotte wandering the streets of Ventura in August of 1999. She somehow escaped from either her previous owner, or a small nearby pond, but I know had I not needed gas that morning Charlotte would have ended up…
Friday Ark: Limpet Edition
Maine limpet. What other animals are out there?
the Coziness:
Friday Catblogging
Feeding Frenzy – two prides dine
for some reason trackback wouldn’t work.
I’ve linked to Friday Ark via the following post (yes, that is the right title!)
Carnival of the Recipes #33
Trackback here appears to be a bit cranky, so this is the alternative!
i’m such a bad wife
Tom leaves his cup of milk sitting on the table, and Maleficent takes an interest in it. Instead of keeping Maleficent out of it, I take pictures as she helps herself to his milk. Yep, I’m a bad wife. I’m not alone, Luke made no effort to stop her, e…
thursday cat blogging – a formal affair
There are several neighborhood cats which wander freely through all the yards. There is one who is nobody’s cat in particular, he’s the neighborhood’s cat…
Sorry if this winds up as a duplicate, but my trackback seems to have fallen into the void… anyway, I’ve got this week’s Friday Rock Blogging up.
my pig keeps getting throttled. and that hurts if you do it enought time.
Dog pic.
Friday Animal Fun
Doggies have fun chasing bubbles: See for yourself in the short, grainy video with all the usual disclaimers for AOL users: Watch .wmv movie Rats, on the other hand, enjoy being tickled, a fact of which Publius should be made…
Kitten Blog Friday
Black Panther.
this is shadow
you can see other animals at the friday ark.
Old lady spider
Since I wrote about spiders earlier this week, it seems appropriate to end the week with a pretty 125-135 million year old spider from the family Linyphiidae, trapped in amber. She's destined for the Modulator's Friday Ark; I wonder if sh…
Friday Cat Blogging: Happy Birthday Edition
No joke, to the best of our knowledge Gimi was born at the SF SPCA one year ago today. Gimi has grown into a large and affectionate cat whose personality is still quite kittenish. His latest…
Kittipurrs all over!
Well, I’ve been crazy busy this past week and a half completely redesigning my kitchen. Withh all the ripping out and putting in, paintin, installation, etc., the adorable kitties have provided needed relaxation breaks. Here’s a 1 minute, boring little
Feline Friday
Some people have monitor lizards (I use to have one, too). I’ve also had monitor crabs, monitor whales, and, of course, a monitor cat. Atticus loved the warmth of CRT tubes. I suspect he’d hate my modern flat panel if he was still around.
Friday Creature
I’ve been trying to get a photo of this red-bellied woodpecker for months, but he usually doesn’t stick around long enough for a photo session. This weekend, he lingered long enough for a couple of shots!Be sure to get caught…
I guess chopped-up carp doesn’t count. 😉
Sorry about the multiple pings today! I’ve just moved my blog over to a new server and apparently some of the posts resent their trackback pings for some reason today!
Friday Cat Blogging
Merlin eats his dinner….Then he eats from the plate in the sink….And then looks for more to eat…
friday cat blogging
A little Friday Catblogging
Not really a cat Friday
Also passing this week was old friend
Lola the Kinkajou – celebrated here
on not-really-a-cat Friday.
Salamander in my garden:
In this edition, Miro quits.
Yowling from the Fencepost: Friday Cat Blogging No More!
Friday Duck Blogging
Free Day!
Company holiday today. Lorax says, “Go have a beer and leave me alone.”…
Paul Helzel’s Photos
I’m finally getting around to scanning the box of great-grandfather Helzel’s photos. The scans are coming out very well! Today I scanned 100 images, and it looks like I’m about halfway through the box. Here are some (much reduced in…
All Together Now…
Now Presenting…
The BunnyCam! The page doesn’t quite look right yet, and the camera isn’t quite where I want it, but it seems to be working. Since the bunnies are both using their litter boxes now, I’ve been leaving then out a…
Waiting for mama Psycho Cat to come home. She’s still getting spoiled at the bf’s.
Lots more kittycats (of course) at the Friday Ark. Great place to get your cat fix while waiting for the Carnival.
How to tell whether the pilot light is on
It’s easy to determine whether the pilot light is lit on the stove. Q: Where is the cat sleeping? A: Some place nice and warm.
Catblogging. Belated Edition
Widget, the youngest of my cats, though she’s only a couple of months younger than Mystic….
The most recent Gratuitous Cat Picture, from Living With Bengals, where every day is Friday!
Our website does a picture of an animal every friday, introduced by a celebrity. If you want to set up reciprocal (weekly) links then we can. (We’ve got a messageboard too).
We’re going to set up a links page soon. In the meantime I could mention your blog in
Let me know what you think.