Monthly Archives: April 2005

Is the dea Encouraging Drug Use?

The US drug enforcement agency has published the 2005 edition of their classic magazine Drugs of Abuse:

This DEA magazine delivers clear, scientific information about drugs in a factual, straightforward way, combined with scores of precise photographs shot to scale.

There are lots of photos and there may be some facts but what is the message? Mr. Sun says:

I must say that, for me, the primary impact of the magazine was to make me want to do drugs. I’m as straight as an arrow, but after looking at this DEA publication I simply can’t wait to start cramming psychoactive substances down my pill hole. Let’s look at a few screenshots, shall we?

Well, click on over and look at them with Mr. Sun!
Via Hit & Run where some of the commentors have noticed items that may not be quite factual. Can you find others?

Keeping Abreast of Avian Flu

Tyler Cowan of Marginal Revolution has started a new blog: Avian Flu – What we need to know. Its mission:

We at are committed to the idea that decentralized communication and expertise can make a difference. We have set up this blog as a clearinghouse for information about avian flu. Sadly avian flu may become a major crisis, so the world should have all of the defensive resources at its disposal, including blogs.
If you have a relevant post for the blog, please let us know. Please feel encouraged to leave your ideas and expertise in the comments section of the relevant post. There is much information about avian flu that is not available in the major media or on-line. Comments from individuals in affected areas, and research scientists, are especially welcome.
We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the contents of linked material. Nor do we intend this blog as a source of medical advice. Our mission is that of a clearinghouse and communication center.

Cowan notes:

It’s odd to start a blog that you hope nobody reads, but that is what this is.

And I hope this turns out to be a very uninteresting subject. In the meantime I’m linking the site and adding it to my RSS feed.

The Jefferson Muzzles

Hmmmm, I’m puzzled that I missed this the last couple years. Perhaps I think too much of how much more I’m in touch through the blogosphere…
Anyway, here’s the bad news:

the Jefferson Muzzles are awarded as a means to draw national attention to abridgments of free speech and press and, at the same time, foster an appreciation for those tenets of the First Amendment. Because the importance and value of free expression extend far beyond the First Amendment’s limit on government censorship, acts of private censorship are not spared consideration for the dubious honor of receiving a Muzzle.
Unfortunately, each year the finalists for the Jefferson Muzzles have emerged from an alarmingly large group of candidates. For each recipient, a dozen could have been substituted. Further, an examination of previous Jefferson Muzzle recipients reveals that the disregard of First Amendment principles is not the byproduct of a particular political outlook but rather that threats to free expression come from all over the political spectrum.

Without furthar ado here are the 2005 Muzzle Awards.
Via beSpacific.