Monthly Archives: April 2005

Personal Data Protection

Kevin Drum echoes Charle’s Kuffner’s concern that congress will, if it enacts a security breach protection law similar to California’s, preemptively dilute California’s law in the process. Kuffner says:

For the rest of us, what we want here is the same protections that Californians currently enjoy. Anything less is unacceptable.

well, yes, but are after the fact disclosure laws really protections? Certainly miscreants like Choicepoint should be obligated to disclose to one and all when someone’s personal information has been breached. It seems to me, though, that protection should happen before the event not after and that, as I have noted before, the minimum acceptable starting point must be along the lines of:

No institution, government or private, can be allowed to collect or distribute, for free or for fee, to any private or government entity any information about an individual without that individual’s specific consent on a per incident basis and if the distribution is for a fee then that individual must be compensated at a rate agreeable to the individual.

Violations should be treated as felonies and violators must reimburse violated individual(s) for all related losses including legal costs related to the disclosure.

Not Just Your Ordinary Boxed Set

Via Scott I just found out that my favorite band has a little 40th Anniversary treat headed our way this summer.
Niftily wrapped up on 55 discs:

The Tour: European Dead, 1972
650 Tracks
75 Songs
22 Concerts
11 Dark Stars
8 Jam Sessions
6 Soundchecks
1 Midnight Mediterranean Beach Party
Plenty�O�Bus Music (Bolo or Bozo? You decide!)

It will, you know, take more than one sitting to get through it all.

Friday Ark

Cats, Dogs, Spiders and ? every Friday.
I’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals as I see them (photoshops at my discretion and humans only in supporting roles).
Alert: Friday updates will be minimal until afternoon…I will be on the road without a sat link. Click through the comments and trackbacks below to check out the boarders.
Leave a comment or trackback to this post or email me and I’ll add yours to the list. Check back regularly for updates throughout the day on Fridays and somewhat less frequently over the weekend.
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and will be hosted this week by Enrevanche.
And, check out Laurence’s fine graphical analysis of Friday Ark boardings.
Archive editions of the Friday Ark.

InvertebratesDogsBirdsOther VertebratesDidn’t Make ItAt the Zoo

Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)