Monthly Archives: June 2005

Here’s to the Wookie in You

Some of these pics of passed out wookies are pretty hilarious! Check out both the Wookie Hall of Fame and the Wookie Upload Gallery.
What their mommies and daddies will think when they eventually see their wee one in fine form? I wonder if they all gave permission to publish their picture. Well, probably more then one submitted their own but surely not all.

What’s the Dif? Part 2

I read the news today oh, boy!
Even prepared, though, I expect to become nauseous this weekend when I read Kale. It is another case that Micha can use in his paper equating the mafia and government. Lynn Kiesling quotes this from the AP:

As a result, cities now have wide power to bulldoze residences for projects such as shopping malls and hotel complexes in order to generate tax revenue. …
Yep, it’s all about more revenue. And, as Patri Friedman notes:
Now they

What’s The Dif?

Micha Ghertner notes:

The line between government and mafia grows ever smaller, if it ever existed at all.

Well, one difference might be that governments often persuade their citizens that voting for the top dog makes it all legitimate.
I’m looking forward to Micha’s Mafia paper.