Daily Archives: January 9, 2006

How Soon In The States?

Are these guys practicing for their return home?

American troops in Baghdad yesterday blasted their way into the home of an Iraqi journalist working for the Guardian and Channel 4, firing bullets into the bedroom where he was sleeping with his wife and children.

Ali Fadhil, who two months ago won the Foreign Press Association young journalist of the year award, was hooded and taken for questioning. He was released hours later.

Dr Fadhil is working with Guardian Films on an investigation for Channel 4’s Dispatches programme into claims that tens of millions of dollars worth of Iraqi funds held by the Americans and British have been misused or misappropriated.

Jeanne says:

If that isn’t an attempt to intimidate a journalist asking dangerous questions, I can’t imagine what it is. But American journalists ought to demand some answers.

Yes, definitely intimidation.  And,yes, American journalists ought to demand some answers but will they be intimidated? Will they, especially if based in Iraq, be willing to ask dangerous questions?

Planning to Buy A New PC?

If you are planning to buy a new PC this year give the Langa Letter: 10 Critical Factors When Buying A New PC a read:

But buying a PC today is complicated somewhat by two major factors — hardware standards that are changing; and the scheduled release of Microsoft’s Vista operating system. Make the wrong choice, and you may find your new PC dead-ended and obsolete much sooner than it should have been.

The article is targeted at Langa’s corporate audience but applies equally well to the home user. BTW, there is no way I’d buy a new system with less than a GB of system RAM.