
Caucus Farcus

It looks like some of the Texas democratic caucuses were even more of a mess than the ones we had here in Washington:

This was essentially a cattle call – people were herded in to sign their name, list their preference, and then most left. It was not like the Iowa caucuses at all – and we are all at the mercy of the eventual signature counters.

A Publius says:

It’s quite possibly the worst delegate-selection system ever.

Surely the democratic party can come up with a democratic system of delegate selection like, well, maybe elections in which everyone can participate. Oh, and in which everyone’s vote carries the same weight.

An Honest president?

Not likely:

An honest president would threaten the corrupt, dishonest and rigged two-party political system, so one getting a presidential nomination is improbable. How could an honest person obtain financing for their campaign? How could they get diverse groups to support their candidacy?

But if we are going to have such an office shouldn’t we have an honest president?

If the answer is yes, shouldn’t we throw out the current corrupt methodology of selecting candidates? And, yes, we may still not get an honest president but it would be hard to make that less likely than it is now.

Having Drank the democrat’s Kool-Aid

Bob Cesca paints a glowing expectation of democratic party behavior:

Public perception can beat the shit out of political nuance. The Bush Republicans know this and they have abused it for their own nefarious ends. The Democrats, on the other hand, have somehow overlooked this very basic rule of 21st Century American politics, which is a shame since they would more often than not use it for the betterment of the nation.

If only the betterment of the nation were their goal….
Cesca spends the rest of this otherwise excellent article berating the dems for their abject failure to work toward the betterment of the nation since taking control of congress.
There is no reason to expect anything different anytime soon. As Arthur notes;

This is where we’ve come: two criminal gangs run the United States from Washington. Neither of them understands the supreme and sacred value of an individual human life. Neither understands any matter of principle relating to liberty or peace. Both of them are intent upon power, no matter how many innocent people must die, and regardless of how many countries must be destroyed, including our own.
This is your government today. Two murdering, thieving, plundering, power-mad gangs, both of which deserve the worst fate that can be imagined. These are the people who will rule you for years to come.

If you are going to be a democrat or a republican you should own up to the thuggery you are supporting. Nora and John, there really is an alternative.
Being an independent feels pretty good right now.