
Just Say NO!

gonzales and mueller can simply go spend their time sharing their personal transactions with each other:

Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller privately met with representatives of AOL, Comcast, Google, Microsoft and Verizon last week and said that Internet providers–and perhaps search engines–must retain data for two years to aid in anti-terrorism prosecutions, according to multiple sources familiar with the discussion who spoke on condition of anonymity on Tuesday.

If there is an active investigation and these twinks have demonstrated probable cause to a judge in a non-secret court that some one may be involved in the commission of a crime or has committed a crime then you can start tapping that one person’s data now. You do not get to build a massive fishing pond.
Yet another reason to toss’m all out…and not replace’m.
Via Why Now.

Frivolous Laws

Judges in Wisconsin can deal handily with frivolous law suits:

Doyle said in a veto message the frivolous claims bill would strip judges of their discretion in dealing with such lawsuits. Current law already allows judges to sanction people who bring frivolous cases, including making them pay expenses and attorney fees, Doyle said.

So just why didn’t Governor Doyle veto the apparently unnecessary law banning people from suing restaurants for making them fat? Such suits are easily classified as frivolous and it seems that plaintiffs and attorneys should quickly learn their lesson without the need for another law on the books.

“He thinks it’s certainly reasonable to have a law that you just can’t sue a restaurant because you’re overweight,” Leistikow said. “He doesn’t think we should have those kinds of lawsuits here.”
The bill creates an exemption for the food industry from civil claims related to weight gain, obesity or health conditions caused by eating food.

Nope, no apparent reason not to veto. As noted in the opening Wisconsin judges have the tools to deal with frivoloous suits. This is simply another unnecessary law, a type of law that legislatures should not be in the habit of passing because the next time they just might make some big governement entity or corporate crony immune from lawsuits that are not at all frivolous.

Obese or Skinny?

If you are too skinny or too heavy you have a higher risk of fatal injury in certain car crashes(reg):

Male drivers with a body-mass index (BMI) greater than 35 or lower than 22 were significantly more likely to die after front-end or left-side collisions, compared with men with intermediate BMIs, reported Shankuan Zhu, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin here.
Moderately overweight men (with BMIs around 28) were least likely to die, compared with their larger or skinnier counterparts,

One reason is that vehicles are not designed for you:

Current vehicle cabin designs are based on a standard crash test dummy in the driver’s position with a BMI of 24.3, the authors said.
“These cabin designs may not be optimal for drivers with a different body habitus and may contribute to the higher fatality seen at both ends of the BMI continuum,” the authors concluded.

This seems another good incentive to maintain yourself in reasonably good shape!

I wonder, though, if we will start seeing law suits by families of dead heavyweights claiming unsafe design or misrepresentations about safety.

Good Riddance!

At least part of this is happening correctly (Reg):

A Florida sheriff ordered the closing of a boot camp for young offenders Wednesday as the investigation into the death of a 14-year-old detainee widened and critics demanded all such facilities in the state be shut down.
In early January, Martin Lee Anderson died after an altercation with guards at the Bay County Sheriff’s Office Boot Camp in Panama City, in the Panhandle. A surveillance camera videotape, made public last week, shows the guards dragging the limp boy around the grounds, kneeing and striking him several times.
Camp officials said Anderson, who had just arrived, was uncooperative when ordered to do push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises. He died the next day in a Pensacola hospital.

But more is needed. As I previously argued that sheriff and everyone else up hill from this thuggery need to be fired and have heavy restitution to pay.

Thieves Steal A Record Amount In Washington

Well, that’s Washington State not DC where there are undoubtably also record amounts being stolen.
In Washington State thieves and thugs stole a record $270 million dollars of one crop in 2005. The sad thing is that they are not being brought to justice:

The 135,323 marijuana plants seized in 2005 were estimated to be worth $270 million — a record amount that places the crop among the state’s top 10 agricultural commodities, based on the most recent statistics available.
And like any agricultural product, marijuana is very much a commodity, Lt. Rich Wiley, who heads the Washington State Patrol narcotics program, said Wednesday.
“We’re struck by the amount of work they put into it,” Wiley said. “It’s very labor-intensive. They often run individual drip lines to each plant and are out there fertilizing them. It takes a tremendous amount of work.”
But the results are worth the effort, said Wiley, who coordinates pot busts with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and local law enforcement agencies. A single plant can produce as much as a pound of processed marijuana, worth about $2,000, he said.

If the current elected governments will not protect our right as free human beings to engage in voluntary exchange with other free human beings then it is time to put in place institutions that will.