Search Results for : newrq

Best 100 English-Language Novels Since 1923

Two Time Magazine critics give us their list of the best 100 English-language novels since 1923.
I’m somewhat surprised that I’ve read only 51 of them. Certainly this list will be getting the usual treatment of “this one doesn’t belong but this one does” and, of course, the meme list where we can all mark the one’s we have read. Heck, if I had the cycles I’d build the list for you….I don’t. I will, though, do it when it makes its inevitable rounds just as I will do this one later today.
Via Kidney Notes.

Reading Assignment:: The Hugo Nominees

We are deep into the summer and I suspect a few of you are pondering what to read during that next beach or mountain journey. You would be well served to pick not one but all of the Hugo Nominees for this year. The winner will be announced at Worldcon in Scotland on Sunday.

John Quiggen
has a brief review of the candidates and Professor Bainbridge notes his experience with two of the nominees.
I do recommend reading Charles Stross’ Singularity Sky prior to Iron Sunrise.

What Henley Says!

Jim Henley nails this:

Now, in a breakthrough described as the classical equivalent of finding the holy grail, Oxford University scientists have employed infra-red technology to open up the hoard, known as the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, and with it the prospect that hundreds of lost Greek comedies, tragedies and epic poems will soon be revealed.

Heck, if this does nothing more than get us to reread the dusty volumes that have been sitting on the shelf untouched for years it is monumental. That there may be recoverable complete or near complete new works is thick frosting on a tasty cake.

Comments on a Young Author

John Scalzi has written a fine annotation of a young author’s illustrated children’s tale:

What the author is saying is that while we need to integrate the lessons of nature, we are also more than what is given to us in our natural state. When nature fails or flags — as it inevitably must — our other talents must engage until such time as our natural states are refreshed again. A telling message for young women: Know who you are and be in touch with your nature, but be ready to use all the resources available to you, in all aspects of your life.

Read the original story and the rest of Scalzi’s commentary.
You might also enjoy Scalzi’s recent novel: Old Man’s War.
Via Sara’s Spot.