Ideological Warfare
Contra Horowitz is Holbo’s When Whigs Attack.
Via Crooked Timber.
Contra Horowitz is Holbo’s When Whigs Attack.
Via Crooked Timber.
Geof Stone, author of Perilous Times, is guest blogging at Lawrence Lessig’s place.
Start here:
Can we learn the lessons of history? Can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the past? Given the pressures and fears of war, can we discipline ourselves both as individuals and as a nation to respect civil liberties even in a time of war? And is it even sensible to talk seriously about civil liberties in wartime? What do you think?Then go back to the main blog page to pick up subsequent entries.
Bush supporters dismiss world opinion. saying Europeans don’t like us, anyway. But Bush is the first American President in my memory who has to hide from the public when he goes abroad.Hmmm, it seems that bush and cheney also hide from the public in the US. Unless, of course, the rally attendees have signed their loyalty oath or put in their time doing campaign work.
If you can view all these pictures without a shiver and a tear then you need to recalibrate yourself.
Click on the first thumbnail and page through them. Do read the text as well.
Via Alex Tabarrok at Marginal Revolution.
They can probabably get you!
The US Federal Government at work.
With nearly 4000 federal criminal statutes on the books the chance of you knowing when and what law you broke is probably nil.
The constitution called out three federal criminal offenses: treason, piracy and counterfeiting. As a glossy overgeneralization I suggest that any additional ones are inappropriate and relate to things that should be beyond the business of federal busybodies.
Via Freespace.