Daily Archives: February 25, 2004

Relax and Enjoy

The Slitherly D is concerned with whether and how he might help a young woman mend her sartorial ways:

In the middle of a law school class, surrounded by 80 of her peers, she sits with a vacant expression displaying nearly a full square foot of conservative cut bikini bottom (rainbow striped today, for those keeping score). Most days one can see the bottom seam on her right thigh. Yes, really.

Will Baude in his usual thorough way when dealing with such matters comes to the conclusion that Slitherly should abstain from advising the lady.
I’m with Will on this and suggest that Slitherly if he really must pay attention to her undergarments instead of the lecture simply relax and enjoy the view.
Update: Dylan responds to Will here.

California Polling

Oh, those finicky voters.
Just a month ago bush received a 52% approval rating in California and now it is down to 43%. The director of the Field Poll Mark DiCamillo:

…called those figures “damning,” saying voters’ lack of trust in Bush undermined their views of his performance on a range of issues.

Sure, but these numbers could just as easily swing back the other way next month or in October. bush’s handler’s are certainly quite busy looking for the issue(s) and events to make this happen.