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February’s Top Referrers

On the right side bar is the updated roll of Modulator’s 21 top referrers (normally 20 but there was a tie for 20th. Number 20 produced 13 referrals compared to 12 in December. Statistics are culled from AWStats running on Modulator’s server at Hosting Matters.
February churn was up from January with with 6 blogs dropped off and 7 new ones added.
February was a record month for Modulator! Though a significant part of this was due to a super bowl related exposure that may not be repeated for a while.
Thank you one and all!
Also, I’d like to acknowledge significant referrals from some of the blogosphere’s ‘service’ sites: Technorati,,, MovableType, Blogdex,, Sitemeter, NZ Bear’s Ecosystem, Bloogz and Daypop.
All of the blog rolls except the Base Roll are ordered by most recently updated so be sure to ping or to push to the top of the rolls. These are certainly the sites I tend to look at first and visitors will see you at the top of the roll as well.
For a brief discussion of Modulator’s blog rolls look here.

Terry Nichol’s Trial Prediction

Jerralyn says:

Given the repeated failure of the FBI to get its act together regarding the documents in this case, our money is on a dismissal.

My paranoid question of the day: Is there reason to think that this is what the feds want?

bush demonstrates support of democracy

Well, not really. Aristide may not be everyone’s favorite elected leader but it will be interesting to learn the full story of why the bush administration drove him out of office.
Maxspeak quotes Jeffrey Sachs from the Financial Times (go read the rest):

The crisis in Haiti is another case of brazen US manipulation of a small, impoverished country with the truth unexplored by journalists. In the nearly universal media line on the Haitian revolt, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was portrayed as an undemocratic leader who betrayed Haiti’s democratic hopes and thereby lost the support of his erstwhile backers. He “stole” elections and intransigently refused to address opposition concerns. As a result he had to leave office, which he did at the insistence of the US and France. Unfortunately, this is a gravely distorted view.

And Joe at American Leftist reports that Aristides’ resignation was actually a ‘kidnap’ carried out by Americans.
If these allegations hold up it should make us all wonder just what bush means when he talks about democracy.
Update (a few minutes later): More here and here.