Search Results for : newrq

Finding the Cure

Health care emulates life

I called Dr. Hammami with the news of the final diagnosis and asked why it had been missed by all the doctors the patient saw before arriving at his hospital. He thought for a moment before he answered. ”It’s difficult for a doctor to say, ‘I don’t know,”’ he said. ”The patient doesn’t want to hear it, and the doctor doesn’t want to say it. But in medicine you can’t know everything; you just have to know how to get the answer. I was certain the eosinophils would get us there.”
The rest of life is similar. We don’t know everything and finding solutions to personal, work or social challenges requires a willingness to put in some work and a willingness to look beyond, to step outside of the current framing of a situation.
Via DB’s Medical Rants.

Under Their Thumb

There is some truth to Trish Wilson’s point:

…quite a bit of psychology is really about the people with power regulating the behavior of the people they wish to control.
Hmmm, this makes me think about all those drugged school kids.
Ever heard of drapetomania? No, likely not. Go over to Trish’s and read about it.