Daily Archives: June 19, 2003

Still Down the Hatch

The new headline at PC World reads:

Senator Softens Threat Against Pirates
Destroying PCs for copyright violation may be drastic, Hatch concedes.

What the Senator says is this:

“I made my comments at yesterday’s hearing because I think that industry is not doing enough to help us find effective ways to stop people from using computers to steal copyrighted, personal or sensitive materials,” he says in the statement.
“I do not favor extreme remedies–unless no moderate remedies can be found. I asked the interested industries to help us find those moderate remedies.”

What he said yesterday:

“If we can find some way to do this without destroying their machines, we’d be interested in hearing about that,” Hatch said. “If that’s the only way, then I’m all for destroying their machines.”

So some editor at PC World thinks saying the same thing using different words and structure softens the threat?

I still say let’s shove this guy down the hatch.

Down the Hatch

Amish Tech Support asks the million dollar question:

Also will the RIAA and the Entertainment Lobby be calling for Senator Hatch to step down from his post on Judiciary, or will they just settle for getting their money back?

Hatch probably hadn’t a clue that he’d be hoist with his owne petar‘ when he said:

“There’s no excuse for anyone violating copyright laws,”

as he, in essence, advocated handing over police and judicial powers to the RIAA/Entertainment industry.

If those folks don’t ask him to step down, if he does not do it on his own, the rest of us should give him a shove.

What’s Your Temperature?

Judging from the time stamps on a series of posts beginning at 1:36 AM The Apostropher didn’t get much sleep last night. This clearly was partially due to a prodigious amount of blogging and this post, entitled 2:06 AM tells the rest of the story:

In acknowledgement of the time of this entry, I’ll mention this story. Japanese researchers at Akita University School of Medicine published a study indicating that viewing computer monitors at night, particularly bright ones, produces physiological changes that could disrupt the sleep cycle.

Read it all here for the chuckle and something to think about the next time you are up late at night polishing that next post.